Top of the Pops, a legendary name that echoes through the halls of British television history. This iconic music chart show first aired on January 1, 1964 and continued its reign until December 25, 2006. During this time, it showcased an astounding number of episodes – a whopping total of 2205 across 43 seasons! This show has been a staple for every music lover out there who wanted to keep up with the latest trends and hits in the music industry.

The main charm of Top of the Pops was its ever-rotating cast of presenters including Peter Powell, Gary Davies, Steve Wright and many more. These hosts brought their unique flair to each episode making it an exciting watch every time. The show’s major plot points revolved around presenting pop chart programmes featuring performances from various artists like Erasure, Kim Wilde, Duran Duran and so much more.

Now you must be wondering how can you relive those golden days or experience them for the first time? Well, we have good news! You can now watch Top of the Pops Season 26 right here in The UK on BBC One. Let’s dive into how you can do this!

Quick Steps on How to Watch Top of the Pops Season 26 in The UK on BBC One

  1. Download and install a VPN service such as ExpressVPN or NordVPN.
  2. Select a server located in a country where BBC One is available.
  3. Navigate to BBC iPlayer website or app.
  4. Create an account if you don’t already have one (you will need a valid email address).
  5. Search for “Top of the Pops Season 26”.
  6. Enjoy the show!

Why is BBC One not available in The UK?

Actually, BBC One is widely available in the UK. However, if you’re having trouble accessing it, it might be due to regional restrictions or technical issues with your internet service provider. Using a VPN can help bypass these issues and provide a smoother streaming experience.

What is the Top of the Pops Season 26 Release Date?

The first episode of Top of the Pops Season 26 aired on January 5, 1989. This season continued throughout the year with its last episode airing on December 25, 1989.

Top of the Pops Cast

The main cast members for this season included Peter Powell who presented an impressive total of 619 episodes! Gary Davies and Steve Wright were also prominent figures during this season along with Alan Freeman, Pete Murray and Tommy Vance among others. Each presenter brought their unique style to each episode making it a truly memorable watch.

How many episodes of Top of the Pops Season 26 are there?

This exciting season consists of a total of 52 episodes. Each episode features different artists performing their chart-topping hits. From Erasure to Duran Duran to Kylie Minogue and Jason Donovan – this season was packed with incredible performances that left audiences wanting more!

The Best VPN for streaming Top of the Pops Season 26 in The UK on BBC One

We highly recommend ExpressVPN for streaming Top of the Pops Season 26 on BBC One in The UK. It offers high-speed connections which ensure smooth streaming without any buffering or lagging issues. Plus, it has servers all around the world, making it easy to bypass any regional restrictions.

Another great option is NordVPN. It also provides fast and reliable connections, along with robust security features to keep your online activities private. Both of these VPNs are compatible with a wide range of devices, so you can watch Top of the Pops on your preferred device.

The Show

‘Top of the Pops’ made its grand debut on January 1, 1964, and graced our screens for an astounding 43 seasons. It ran like an unstoppable freight train until its last episode aired on Christmas day in 2006. In total, the show racked up an impressive tally of 2,205 episodes – each one packed with unforgettable moments that have etched themselves into the annals of pop culture history.

The program’s charm lay not only in its content but also in its presenters. Familiar faces such as Peter Powell, Gary Davies, Steve Wright took us through our paces each week. The cast list reads like a who’s who of British broadcasting legends. And let’s not forget about the crew behind-the-scenes! From Darren J. Perry running the floor to Mike Read presenting and Richard Skinner spinning out hit after hit – they all played their part in this televisual symphony.

As for language – well what else would you expect? Pure English delivered with a side serving of classic British wit and charm!

Now let’s take you back to season 26 which aired in 1989. This particular season saw some standout episodes featuring performances from music icons like Erasure, Kim Wilde, Duran Duran and even Madonna herself! The final episode (Christmas Show 1989) featured Bros, The Beautiful South and Jason Donovan adding to the festive cheer.

And how did ‘Top of the Pops’ fare among viewers and critics? With an average vote of 7.2, it’s safe to say that this show had a solid fan base who eagerly tuned in each week for their fix of pop culture goodness.

For our readers in the UK who’d love to relive these iconic moments, or those who are curious to see what all the fuss was about, we recommend using ExpressVPN or NordVPN. These services provide excellent streaming quality and can help you access BBC One where ‘Top of the Pops’ was originally aired. So grab some popcorn, settle down on your sofa and get ready for a nostalgic journey back to when music ruled the airwaves!


What is Top of the Pops?

Top of the Pops is an iconic British music chart show that aired from January 1, 1964 to December 25, 2006. It showcased a total of 2205 episodes across 43 seasons and featured performances from various artists like Erasure, Kim Wilde, Duran Duran and many more.

How can I watch Top of the Pops Season 26 in The UK on BBC One?

You can watch Top of the Pops Season 26 in The UK on BBC One by using a VPN service such as ExpressVPN or NordVPN. After installing your chosen VPN, select a server located in a country where BBC One is available. Then navigate to the BBC iPlayer website or app, create an account if you don’t already have one and search for “Top of the Pops Season 26”.

Why might I need a VPN to watch BBC One in The UK?

BBC One is widely available in the UK. However, if you’re having trouble accessing it due to regional restrictions or technical issues with your internet service provider, using a VPN can help bypass these issues and provide a smoother streaming experience.

When was Top of the Pops Season 26 released?

The first episode of Top of the Pops Season 26 aired on January 5,1989 and continued throughout the year with its last episode airing on December 25,1989.

Who were some notable presenters during Top of the Pops Season 26?

The main cast members for this season included Peter Powell who presented an impressive total of 619 episodes! Gary Davies and Steve Wright were also prominent figures during this season along with Alan Freeman, Pete Murray and Tommy Vance among others.

How many episodes are there in Top of the Pops Season 26?

Top of the Pops Season 26 consists of a total of 52 episodes. Each episode features different artists performing their chart-topping hits.

Which VPN is best for streaming Top of the Pops Season 26 in The UK on BBC One?

We highly recommend ExpressVPN for streaming Top of the Pops Season 26 on BBC One in The UK. It offers high-speed connections which ensure smooth streaming without any buffering or lagging issues. Another great option is NordVPN, which also provides fast and reliable connections, along with robust security features to keep your online activities private.

What language is used in ‘Top of the Pops’?

‘Top of the Pops’ is delivered in English with a side serving of classic British wit and charm!

Who were some standout performers during Top of the Pops Season 26?

This particular season saw performances from music icons like Erasure, Kim Wilde, Duran Duran and even Madonna herself! The final episode (Christmas Show 1989) featured Bros, The Beautiful South and Jason Donovan adding to the festive cheer.

How was ‘Top of the Pops’ received by viewers and critics?

‘Top of the Pops’ had an average vote rating of 7.2 indicating that it had a solid fan base who eagerly tuned in each week for their fix of pop culture goodness.