The Heaven and Earth Show, a popular talk show that aired from 1998 to 2007, has been a staple of British television for nearly a decade. With its engaging discussions on spirituality, ethics, and contemporary issues, the show captivated audiences across the globe. Season 7 is particularly noteworthy as it features an impressive lineup of hosts including Julian Morris, Mike Harding, Kate Silverton, Gloria Hunniford, Anita Anand and Kevin Woodford. Despite being originally broadcasted on BBC One in the UK, there are ways for fans in Australia to enjoy this iconic season. Let’s dive into how you can watch The Heaven and Earth Show Season 7 in Australia on BBC One.

Quick Steps on How to Watch The Heaven and Earth Show Season 7 in Australia on BBC One

  1. Choose a reliable VPN service like ExpressVPN or NordVPN.
  2. Download and install your chosen VPN application onto your device.
  3. Select a server located within the UK.
  4. Once connected to the UK server, navigate to the BBC iPlayer website or app.
  5. Create an account if you don’t already have one (you’ll need a valid UK postcode).
  6. Search for “The Heaven and Earth Show” Season 7.
  7. Sit back and enjoy!

Why is BBC One not available in Australia?

BBC One is not available outside of the UK due to broadcasting rights restrictions. These limitations are often put into place because different networks may own rights to certain shows in different countries. For instance, while BBC owns The Heaven and Earth Show’s broadcasting rights within the UK, another network might own the rights in Australia. Therefore, to respect these agreements and avoid legal complications, BBC One restricts its content to viewers within the UK.

The Heaven and Earth Show Season 7 Release Date

The Heaven and Earth Show Season 7 first aired on January 4, 2004. The season consisted of a total of 42 episodes, with each episode airing weekly until November 21, 2004.

The Heaven and Earth Show Cast

Season 7 boasts an impressive cast lineup that includes Julian Morris, Mike Harding, Kate Silverton, Gloria Hunniford, Anita Anand and Kevin Woodford as hosts. These individuals brought their unique perspectives to the show’s discussions on spirituality and contemporary issues.

How many episodes of The Heaven and Earth Show Season 7 are there?

Season 7 consists of a total of 42 episodes. Each episode is uniquely titled with its air date starting from “January 4, 2004” up until “November 21, 2004”. While no specific overviews for each episode are available due to the nature of talk shows which often discuss current events at the time of airing – rest assured that each episode is packed with thought-provoking conversations!

The Best VPN for streaming The Heaven and Earth Show Season 7 in Australia on BBC One

We recommend ExpressVPN or NordVPN for streaming The Heaven and Earth Show Season 7 in Australia on BBC One. Both VPN services offer high-speed connections which are perfect for uninterrupted streaming. They also have numerous servers located within the UK which allows you to easily bypass geo-restrictions imposed by BBC One.

The Show

The spectacle that is “The Heaven and Earth Show” first hit the airwaves on September 6, 1998. This exciting talk show held its audience captive until it took its final bow on September 2, 2007. For almost ten years, viewers tuned in week after week to catch up on all things spiritual, philosophical and downright intriguing!

This English language show was broadcasted by BBC One and over its lifetime; it gifted us with an impressive number of episodes. With ten seasons under its belt and a whopping total of 386 episodes, “The Heaven and Earth Show” ensured there was never a dull moment for its fans.

The last episode’s details remain shrouded in mystery as no specific information about it has been revealed. However, if the series’ track record is anything to go by, one can be sure that it ended on a high note – leaving audiences both satisfied and craving more.

Now let’s turn our spotlight onto some of the talented individuals who made this series possible. The cast includes renowned personalities like Julian Morris, Mike Harding, Kate Silverton, Gloria Hunniford, Anita Anand and Kevin Woodford. Each one brought their unique flair to their respective roles throughout every season making each episode captivating.

Despite having an average vote of just 2.7 based on three votes – don’t let that discourage you from experiencing what this unique show has to offer! After all, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder; or in this case – it lies in the perspective of the viewer.

For our friends in Australia who wish to catch this show, we recommend ExpressVPN or NordVPN. Both services provide excellent streaming quality and are known for their reliability. They allow you to easily access channels like BBC One even if they’re not available in your region. So, sit back, relax and get ready to dive into “The Heaven and Earth Show”!


What is The Heaven and Earth Show?

The Heaven and Earth Show is a popular talk show that aired from 1998 to 2007 on BBC One. It features engaging discussions on spirituality, ethics, and contemporary issues.

Why can’t I watch The Heaven and Earth Show Season 7 in Australia on BBC One?

BBC One is not available outside of the UK due to broadcasting rights restrictions. Different networks may own rights to certain shows in different countries, so to respect these agreements and avoid legal complications, BBC One restricts its content to viewers within the UK.

How can I watch The Heaven and Earth Show Season 7 in Australia?

You can use a reliable VPN service like ExpressVPN or NordVPN. After installing your chosen VPN application onto your device, select a server located within the UK. Once connected, navigate to the BBC iPlayer website or app, create an account if you don’t already have one (you’ll need a valid UK postcode), search for “The Heaven and Earth Show” Season 7, then sit back and enjoy!

When was The Heaven and Earth Show Season 7 released?

The Heaven and Earth Show Season 7 first aired on January 4, 2004. The season consisted of a total of 42 episodes, with each episode airing weekly until November 21, 2004.

Who are the hosts of The Heaven and Earth Show Season 7?

The hosts for Season 7 include Julian Morris, Mike Harding, Kate Silverton, Gloria Hunniford, Anita Anand and Kevin Woodford.

How many episodes are there in The Heaven and Earth Show Season 7?

Season 7 consists of a total of 42 episodes. Each episode is uniquely titled with its air date starting from “January 4, 2004” up until “November 21, 2004”.

Which VPN service do you recommend for streaming The Heaven and Earth Show Season 7 in Australia on BBC One?

We recommend ExpressVPN or NordVPN for streaming The Heaven and Earth Show Season 7 in Australia on BBC One. Both VPN services offer high-speed connections which are perfect for uninterrupted streaming. They also have numerous servers located within the UK which allows you to easily bypass geo-restrictions imposed by BBC One.

How long did The Heaven and Earth Show run?

The Heaven and Earth Show aired from September 6, 1998, to September 2, 2007. Over its lifetime, it produced ten seasons with a total of 386 episodes.

What is the average rating of The Heaven and Earth Show?

The show has an average vote of just 2.7 based on three votes. However, don’t let that discourage you from experiencing what this unique show has to offer!