Question Time, a British television favourite, has been gracing our screens since 1979. The show, which is broadcasted on BBC One, is renowned for its engaging and often heated discussions on current affairs. It’s hosted by some of the most prominent figures in British broadcasting history including David Dimbleby, Robin Day, Fiona Bruce and Peter Sissons. However, fans of the show in India have found it difficult to access due to regional restrictions on BBC One. But don’t worry! We’ve got you covered with a step-by-step guide on how to watch Question Time Season 9 in India.

In this season, you’ll witness panellists like Kenneth Baker, Ian Hislop, Frances Morrell and Shirley Williams debating hot topics of the day. The show’s format involves a panel discussion where audience members ask questions about current affairs and political issues. It’s an exciting blend of news and talk genres that keeps viewers hooked from start to finish.

Quick Steps on How to Watch Question Time Season 9 in India on BBC One

  1. Download a VPN (Virtual Private Network) service such as ExpressVPN or NordVPN.
  2. Install the VPN application onto your device.
  3. Select a server located within the UK.
  4. Navigate to the BBC iPlayer website or app.
  5. Create an account if you haven’t already done so (remember to use a UK postcode).
  6. Login into your account and search for ‘Question Time’.
  7. Select Season 9 and enjoy!

Why is BBC One not available in India?

BBC One isn’t readily available in India due to geo-restrictions. These restrictions are often put in place due to licensing agreements between the broadcaster and production companies. The content is licensed for viewing only within specific regions, in this case, the UK.

However, these restrictions can be bypassed using a VPN service which masks your IP address and makes it appear as though you’re accessing the content from within the permitted region.

What is the Question Time Season 9 Release Date?

The ninth season of Question Time aired on January 15, 1987. It’s a blast from the past that offers a fascinating insight into the political landscape of that era.

Question Time Cast

The cast of Question Time includes some of Britain’s most notable figures in politics and journalism. David Dimbleby, Robin Day, Fiona Bruce and Peter Sissons have all served as chairs throughout various seasons of the show. In season 9, you’ll see panellists like Kenneth Baker, Ian Hislop, Frances Morrell and Shirley Williams engaging in lively debates.

How many episodes of Question Time Season 9 are there?

Season 9 consists of an impressive total of 33 episodes. Each episode features different panellists discussing current affairs at that time. While we won’t give away any significant plot points or discussions here, we can assure you that each episode is filled with thought-provoking conversations and heated debates!

The Best VPN for streaming Question Time Season 9 in India on BBC One

We recommend ExpressVPN or NordVPN for streaming Question Time Season 9 on BBC One from India. Both offer excellent streaming quality and robust security features to ensure your online privacy while bypassing geo-restrictions.

ExpressVPN boasts high-speed servers making it perfect for streaming high-quality video without buffering. NordVPN, on the other hand, is known for its advanced security features and extensive server network.

Both VPNs are easy to use and compatible with a wide range of devices. So whether you’re watching on your laptop, tablet or smartphone, you’ll be able to enjoy Question Time Season 9 without any hassle!

The Show

Debuting on the 25th of September, 1979, “Question Time” has been an integral part of BBC One’s programming. This high-intensity spectacle brings together politicians, pundits, and public figures who face questions posed by the audience. The show is as much about its panellists as it is about its audience – an engaging platform where burning issues are dissected in real-time.

The English language is used to its full effect here – expect articulate arguments, passionate pleas, and sometimes even heated exchanges. As a viewer, you’re signing up for an intellectual treat!

“Question Time” boasts of an impressive run spanning over four decades! The curtain was called on this marathon journey on the 28th of September 2023. Throughout this period, viewers were treated to a whopping total of 1588 episodes spread across 45 seasons.

Diving into one of the most memorable episodes from Season 9 aired on January 15th,1987: Guest hosted by Sue Lawley with panellists Kenneth Baker, Ian Hislop, Frances Morrell and Shirley Williams gracing the stage. This particular episode stood out for its spirited debates and insightful commentary that left audiences at home wanting more.

As we delve deeper into the roll call – David Dimbleby takes center stage having chaired an impressive 917 episodes. Robin Day follows closely behind with his contribution to over 330 episodes. Other notable mentions include Fiona Bruce and Peter Sissons adding their unique touch to this engaging series.

In terms of panelists who’ve become synonymous with “Question Time”, Ken Clarke and Shirley Williams have made their mark with 59 and 56 appearances respectively. Menzies Campbell, Charles Kennedy, Robin Cook, and Nigel Farage are some of the other recurring figures who’ve shaped the show’s narrative over the years.

Behind the scenes, Rob Hopkin has directed a significant chunk of the series. Nicolai Gentchev wears multiple hats as an editor and executive producer along with Hilary O’Neill who is also on board as an editor. Hayley Valentine deserves special mention for her role as executive producer.

The show has had its fair share of cheers and jeers. With an average vote of 4.9 based on ten votes, it has certainly carved a niche among viewers who appreciate thought-provoking content.

Now for our Indian audience eager to catch this intriguing spectacle – worry not! Both ExpressVPN and NordVPN offer excellent streaming quality that allows you to tune into “Question Time” without any hiccups. Simply connect your VPN to a UK server, head over to BBC One’s website or app, and you’re all set to immerse yourself in this intellectual extravaganza!

There you have it – “Question Time” in all its glory! An unforgettable journey filled with powerful dialogues, engaging personalities, and captivating debates that leave you pondering long after the episode ends.


What is Question Time?

Question Time is a British television show that has been airing since 1979. It’s known for its engaging and often heated discussions on current affairs. The format involves a panel discussion where audience members ask questions about political issues and current events.

Why can’t I watch Question Time Season 9 in India?

BBC One, the channel that broadcasts Question Time, isn’t readily available in India due to geo-restrictions. These restrictions are put in place due to licensing agreements between the broadcaster and production companies which limit viewing to specific regions.

How can I watch Question Time Season 9 in India?

You can watch Question Time Season 9 in India by using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) service such as ExpressVPN or NordVPN. This allows you to bypass regional restrictions by masking your IP address and making it appear as though you’re accessing the content from within the permitted region.

Who are some of the notable figures who have appeared on Question Time?

The cast of Question Time includes some of Britain’s most notable figures in politics and journalism including David Dimbleby, Robin Day, Fiona Bruce, Peter Sissons, Kenneth Baker, Ian Hislop, Frances Morrell and Shirley Williams.

When did Season 9 of Question Time air?

The ninth season of Question Time aired on January 15, 1987.

How many episodes are there in Season 9 of Question Time?

Season 9 consists of an impressive total of 33 episodes.

Which VPN services do you recommend for streaming BBC One from India?

We recommend ExpressVPN or NordVPN for streaming BBC One from India. Both offer excellent streaming quality and robust security features to ensure your online privacy while bypassing geo-restrictions.

What is the format of Question Time?

The show’s format involves a panel discussion where audience members ask questions about current affairs and political issues. It’s an exciting blend of news and talk genres that keeps viewers hooked from start to finish.

Who are some of the hosts of Question Time?

Some of the most prominent figures in British broadcasting history including David Dimbleby, Robin Day, Fiona Bruce and Peter Sissons have hosted Question Time.

How long has Question Time been on air?

“Question Time” debuted on September 25, 1979, and ended on September 28, 2023. Throughout this period, viewers were treated to a whopping total of 1588 episodes spread across 45 seasons.

Who are some recurring figures who’ve shaped the show’s narrative over the years?

In terms of panelists who’ve become synonymous with “Question Time”, Ken Clarke and Shirley Williams have made their mark with 59 and 56 appearances respectively. Menzies Campbell, Charles Kennedy, Robin Cook, and Nigel Farage are some of the other recurring figures who’ve shaped the show’s narrative over the years.

Who are some key people behind the scenes?

Behind the scenes, Rob Hopkin has directed a significant chunk of the series. Nicolai Gentchev wears multiple hats as an editor and executive producer along with Hilary O’Neill who is also on board as an editor. Hayley Valentine deserves special mention for her role as executive producer.

What kind of reception has “Question Time” received from viewers?

The show has had its fair share of cheers and jeers. With an average vote of 4.9 based on ten votes, it has certainly carved a niche among viewers who appreciate thought-provoking content.