Question Time, a British television programme that has been airing since 1979, is known for its lively debates and insightful discussions. The show’s main characters include the host and a panel of guests who engage in thought-provoking conversations about current affairs. Broadcasted on BBC One, Question Time has become an integral part of British culture. However, fans outside the UK, particularly those in New Zealand, may find it challenging to access the show due to geographical restrictions. This article will guide you through how to watch Question Time Season 24 in New Zealand on BBC One.

Quick Steps on How to Watch Question Time Season 24 in New Zealand on BBC One

  1. Download and install a VPN (Virtual Private Network) application.
  2. Select a server located in the United Kingdom.
  3. Connect to the selected server.
  4. Visit the official website of BBC One or download their app.
  5. Create an account or log into your existing one.
  6. Navigate to ‘Question Time’ and select ‘Season 24’.

Why is BBC One not available in New Zealand?

BBC One is not available in New Zealand due to geo-restrictions imposed by content providers. These restrictions are typically put into place because of licensing agreements between content producers and distributors. Essentially, these agreements dictate where content can be broadcasted or streamed. Since BBC One is primarily meant for viewers within the United Kingdom, its availability is limited outside this region.

What is the Question Time Season 24 Release Date?

The first episode of Question Time Season 24 aired on January 10th, 2002. The season continued throughout the year, with episodes being released weekly.

Question Time Cast

The main cast of Question Time includes David Dimbleby, who has chaired 917 episodes, and Robin Day, who has chaired 330 episodes. Other notable cast members include Fiona Bruce and Peter Sissons. The panelists for this season included Ken Clarke, Shirley Williams, Menzies Campbell, Charles Kennedy among others.

How many episodes of Question Time Season 24 are there?

Season 24 of Question Time consists of a total of 37 episodes. Each episode features a unique panel of guests discussing the most pressing issues of the time.

The Best VPN for streaming Question Time Season 24 in New Zealand on BBC One

We recommend ExpressVPN and NordVPN for streaming Question Time Season 24 in New Zealand on BBC One. Both VPNs offer high-speed connections and robust security features that ensure smooth streaming and protect your online privacy. They also have servers in the UK which can bypass geo-restrictions imposed by BBC One.

The Show

“Question Time” first hit the airwaves on September 25, 1979. It’s not just any old television show; it’s an institution. For over four decades, it has been at the forefront of political discourse in Britain. The curtain was last called on this venerable production on September 28, 2023.

The blueprint behind this successful series lies with Mentorn Media as its production company and BBC One as its broadcasting network. The language of choice? English – straightforward, no-nonsense English that cuts right to the heart of every issue.

This formidable series boasts an impressive run of 45 seasons and a whopping total of 1,588 episodes! That’s almost enough to make your head spin with all those heated debates and riveting panel discussions!

Our roll call includes notable figures such as David Dimbleby who chaired a staggering 917 episodes! Robin Day wasn’t far behind with his chairing efforts spanning across 330 episodes. Fiona Bruce also took up the mantle as chair in 192 episodes. Amongst panellists, Ken Clarke made quite an impact with his presence felt in no less than 59 episodes.

On to cheers and jeers – “Question Time” has had its share of both from viewers and critics alike. With an average vote score of 4.9 based on ten votes – it might not be universally adored but it certainly cannot be ignored.

As for juicy details from season 24? We saw familiar faces like Menzies Campbell and Charles Kennedy, among others. The last episode of this season aired on December 12, 2002.

For our New Zealand audience eagerly awaiting to catch this TV marvel, we’ve got a couple of pro-tips for you! Consider using ExpressVPN or NordVPN to ensure good streaming quality. These services are reliable and provide excellent connectivity, making them perfect companions for your “Question Time” binge-watch sessions!

So there you have it – an inside look at the iconic “Question Time”. A show that has not just reported history but often shaped it through its engaging discourse. It’s more than just a television show; it’s a chronicle of the times we live in.


What is Question Time?

Question Time is a British television programme known for its lively debates and insightful discussions about current affairs. The show includes a host and a panel of guests who engage in thought-provoking conversations. It has been airing since 1979 on BBC One.

Why can’t I watch Question Time Season 24 in New Zealand?

BBC One, the broadcaster of Question Time, is not available in New Zealand due to geo-restrictions imposed by content providers. These restrictions are typically put into place because of licensing agreements between content producers and distributors that dictate where content can be broadcasted or streamed.

How can I watch Question Time Season 24 in New Zealand?

You can watch Question Time Season 24 in New Zealand by using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) application. After downloading and installing the VPN, select a server located in the United Kingdom, connect to it, visit the official website of BBC One or download their app, create an account or log into your existing one, navigate to ‘Question Time’ and select ‘Season 24’.

When was Question Time Season 24 released?

The first episode of Question Time Season 24 aired on January 10th, 2002. The season continued throughout the year with episodes being released weekly.

Who are some notable cast members of Question Time?

The main cast of Question Time includes David Dimbleby who has chaired 917 episodes, Robin Day who has chaired 330 episodes, Fiona Bruce and Peter Sissons. Notable panelists for season 24 included Ken Clarke, Shirley Williams, Menzies Campbell and Charles Kennedy among others.

How many episodes does Season 24 of Question Time have?

Season 24 of Question Time consists of a total of 37 episodes. Each episode features a unique panel of guests discussing the most pressing issues of the time.

Which VPNs do you recommend for streaming Question Time Season 24 in New Zealand on BBC One?

We recommend ExpressVPN and NordVPN for streaming Question Time Season 24 in New Zealand on BBC One. Both VPNs offer high-speed connections and robust security features that ensure smooth streaming and protect your online privacy. They also have servers in the UK which can bypass geo-restrictions imposed by BBC One.

How long has Question Time been airing?

“Question Time” first hit the airwaves on September 25, 1979, and it last aired on September 28, 2023. The show boasts an impressive run of 45 seasons with a total of 1,588 episodes.

What is the average vote score for “Question Time”?

“Question Time” has an average vote score of 4.9 based on ten votes – it might not be universally adored but it certainly cannot be ignored.

When did the last episode of season 24 air?

The last episode of season 24 aired on December 12, 2002.