The British television show, “Question Time,” is a classic example of engaging and thought-provoking content that has been gracing the screens since 1979. This unique talk show, produced by Mentorn Media for BBC One, features panel discussions on political issues with prominent figures from various fields. The show’s format includes a rotating panel of guests who answer questions posed by the audience. Its second season, which aired in 1980, is particularly notable for its array of esteemed panelists including Tony Benn, Germaine Greer, John Hackett, and Norman St. John Stevas.

The main charm of “Question Time” lies in its ability to bring together different perspectives on pressing issues. However, if you’re based in India and are eager to catch up with Season 2 of this iconic series on BBC One, you might find yourself hitting a roadblock due to regional restrictions. But don’t worry! We have a solution for you.

Quick Steps on How to Watch Question Time Season 2 in India on BBC One

  1. Choose a reliable VPN service such as ExpressVPN or NordVPN.
  2. Download and install the VPN application on your device.
  3. Select a server located in the UK.
  4. Visit the BBC iPlayer website or app.
  5. Create an account or log into your existing one.
  6. You can now stream “Question Time” Season 2!

Why is BBC One not available in India?

BBC One isn’t directly accessible in India due to geo-restrictions imposed by broadcasting rights agreements. These restrictions limit access to certain content outside specific regions – in this case, the UK. However, with a VPN service, you can bypass these restrictions by masking your IP address and making it appear as if you’re browsing from within the UK.

What is the Question Time Season 2 Release Date?

The second season of “Question Time” originally aired on BBC One starting from January 15, 1980. This season comprises of an impressive lineup of 32 episodes that continued to air until December 18, 1980.

Question Time Cast

The main charm of “Question Time” lies in its diverse panelists who bring their unique perspectives to each episode. The second season saw a variety of personalities gracing the show such as Tony Benn, Germaine Greer, John Hackett, Norman St. John Stevas and many more. The show was chaired by David Dimbleby for a whopping 917 episodes!

How many episodes of Question Time Season 2 are there?

Season 2 consists of a total of 32 engaging episodes that aired between January and December in the year 1980. Each episode features different panelists discussing various political issues.

The Best VPN for streaming Question Time Season 2 in India on BBC One

We recommend ExpressVPN and NordVPN for streaming “Question Time” Season 2 on BBC One from India. Both services offer high-speed servers in the UK which ensures smooth streaming without any buffering issues.

ExpressVPN is known for its excellent speed and reliability while NordVPN offers advanced security features along with consistent performance. Both services provide apps for various platforms including Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and more.

Remember to choose a VPN that suits your needs best – be it speed, security, or ease of use. Happy streaming!

The Show

With an overwhelming tally of 1588 episodes spread across 45 enthralling seasons, this news and talk genre show captivated audiences with its thought-provoking dialogues and incisive debates. Produced by Mentorn Media and aired on BBC One, it struck a chord with viewers who relished intellectual stimulation.

“Question Time” is essentially a public forum where various issues are discussed passionately by panelists from different walks of life. Each episode introduced new panelists who shared their perspectives on diverse topics. The very essence of the show lies in these lively exchanges that kept audiences glued to their screens.

In the second season that premiered on January 15, 1980, we saw a variety of influential figures like Tony Benn, Germaine Greer, John Hackett among others engage in stimulating discussions. Each episode was unique as it brought together different personalities who offered fresh insights into topical issues.

The cast boasts names such as David Dimbleby (who featured in a whopping 917 episodes), Robin Day, Fiona Bruce to name a few. These personalities were not just hosts but also played pivotal roles in steering conversations that often led to profound revelations. And let’s not forget about our wonderful crew members like Rob Hopkin (Director), Nicolai Gentchev (Editor), Hilary O’Neill (Editor) whose significant contributions behind the scenes made “Question Time” what it is.

As for the show’s reception, it averaged a vote of 4.9 from its viewers. Though not an overwhelmingly high score, this reflects the subjective nature of the topics discussed on the show and the diversity in viewer opinion.

For our audience based in India who are keen to catch “Question Time”, we recommend using ExpressVPN or NordVPN services. These VPNs offer excellent streaming quality and will allow you to enjoy uninterrupted viewing of this intellectual feast on BBC One. So, grab your popcorn and get ready for a brain-tickling ride with “Question Time”.


What is “Question Time”?

“Question Time” is a British television show that features panel discussions on political issues with prominent figures from various fields. The format includes a rotating panel of guests who answer questions posed by the audience.

Why can’t I watch “Question Time” Season 2 in India on BBC One?

BBC One isn’t directly accessible in India due to geo-restrictions imposed by broadcasting rights agreements. These restrictions limit access to certain content outside specific regions – in this case, the UK.

How can I watch “Question Time” Season 2 in India?

You can use a reliable VPN service such as ExpressVPN or NordVPN to bypass these restrictions. By selecting a server located in the UK, you can make it appear as if you’re browsing from within the UK and gain access to BBC One’s content.

When was “Question Time” Season 2 released?

The second season of “Question Time” originally aired on BBC One starting from January 15, 1980. This season comprises an impressive lineup of 32 episodes that continued to air until December 18, 1980.

Who are some notable panelists from “Question Time” Season 2?

The second season saw a variety of personalities gracing the show such as Tony Benn, Germaine Greer, John Hackett, Norman St. John Stevas and many more.

How many episodes are there in “Question Time” Season 2?

Season 2 consists of a total of 32 engaging episodes that aired between January and December in the year 1980.

Which VPN should I use to stream “Question Time” Season 2 in India on BBC One?

We recommend ExpressVPN and NordVPN for streaming “Question Time” Season 2 on BBC One from India. Both services offer high-speed servers in the UK which ensures smooth streaming without any buffering issues.

What is the overall reception of “Question Time”?

“Question Time” averaged a vote of 4.9 from its viewers. Though not an overwhelmingly high score, this reflects the subjective nature of the topics discussed on the show and the diversity in viewer opinion.