Question Time, a classic British television show that first aired on September 25, 1979, has been an enduring staple of the UK’s broadcasting landscape. The program is known for its intense debates and discussions about current affairs and politics. Hosted by prominent figures such as David Dimbleby, Robin Day, Fiona Bruce, and Peter Sissons over the years, Question Time has become a platform where politicians, pundits, and the public engage in thought-provoking conversations.

The thirteenth season of Question Time was broadcasted in 1991. This particular season saw a range of panellists including Paddy Ashdown, Kenneth Clarke, Roy Hattersley among others gracing the stage with their insights. However, if you’re residing in South Africa and wish to watch this iconic series on BBC One – you might face some hurdles due to geo-restrictions. But don’t worry! We’ve got you covered with a simple solution.

Quick Steps on How to Watch Question Time Season 13 in South Africa on BBC One

  1. Download and install a VPN (Virtual Private Network) like ExpressVPN or NordVPN.
  2. Select a server located in the United Kingdom.
  3. Connect to the server.
  4. Navigate to BBC iPlayer website or app.
  5. Create an account or log into your existing one.
  6. Search for ‘Question Time’ Season 13 and start streaming!

Why is BBC One not available in South Africa?

BBC One is not available outside of the UK due to licensing agreements. These agreements restrict broadcasters from showing certain content outside specific regions – which is why you can’t access BBC One directly in South Africa. However, by using a VPN, you can bypass these geo-restrictions and enjoy your favourite shows like Question Time.

What is the Question Time Season 13 Release Date?

The thirteenth season of Question Time aired on January 10, 1991. The season consisted of a total of 34 episodes, with each episode featuring unique panellists and discussions.

Question Time Cast

The main cast for this season includes David Dimbleby as the chair along with various panellists such as Kenneth Clarke, Charles Kennedy, Robin Cook among others. Each character brings their unique perspective to the table, contributing to the dynamic and engaging discussions that are characteristic of Question Time.

How many episodes of Question Time Season 13 are there?

Season 13 consists of a total of 34 episodes. Each episode presents an array of topics discussed by different panellists. While some episodes do not provide specific details about their content, certain ones like Episode number two features Paddy Ashdown, Kenneth Clarke, Roy Hattersley among others discussing current affairs.

The Best VPN for streaming Question Time Season 13 in South Africa on BBC One

We recommend ExpressVPN and NordVPN for streaming Question Time Season 13 on BBC One from South Africa. Both VPNs offer high-speed servers in the UK which ensures smooth streaming without any buffering issues. They also provide robust security features including AES-256 encryption and no-logs policy to keep your online activities private.

The Show

Originating from the United Kingdom, this BBC One phenomenon first hit the airwaves on September 25th, 1979. With an impressive run spanning over four decades and boasting a whopping 1588 episodes across 45 seasons, “Question Time” has truly stood the test of time. The show’s final curtain call was made on September 28th, 2023.

“Question Time” is an engaging mixture of news and talk genres. It offers viewers a unique platform where distinguished figures from politics and other fields gather to debate current issues and answer questions from the public. This format provides a refreshing perspective on contemporary topics while promoting intellectual discourse among its audience.

The show’s language is English, making it easily accessible for audiences around the globe. Produced by Mentorn Media, “Question Time” showcases not just news discussions but also an impeccable display of communication artistry.

Let’s shine some light on Season 13 which aired its first episode on January 10th, 1991. A notable episode from this season features panellists Paddy Ashdown, Kenneth Clarke, Roy Hattersley, Gerald Kaufman, Bruce Kent, David Owen and David Sheppard engaging in vibrant discussions about contemporary issues (Episode number:2).

The talented cast includes David Dimbleby as Self – Chair in over nine hundred episodes! Other prominent members include Robin Day, Fiona Bruce and Peter Sissons who have all held similar roles during their tenure in the show. The panel often featured regulars like Ken Clarke and Shirley Williams who offered insightful views during various debates.

The crew that brought “Question Time” to life includes the likes of Rob Hopkin as Director and Nicolai Gentchev as Editor. Their contribution to the show’s success cannot be understated, shaping it into a platform for thought-provoking discussions and debates.

With an average vote of 4.9 based on 10 votes, “Question Time” has had a commendable reception among viewers and critics alike. Its unique format, dynamic debates, and impressive cast have all contributed to its lasting popularity over the years.

If you’re in South Africa and want to catch this captivating show, we’ve got some excellent suggestions for you! We recommend using ExpressVPN or NordVPN services that provide superior streaming quality for BBC One. These VPN services offer high-speed connections which are perfect for streaming “Question Time” without any interruptions. Just set your location to the UK, sit back and enjoy!


What is Question Time?

Question Time is a classic British television show that first aired on September 25, 1979. It’s known for its intense debates and discussions about current affairs and politics. The program has been hosted by prominent figures such as David Dimbleby, Robin Day, Fiona Bruce, and Peter Sissons over the years.

Why can’t I watch BBC One in South Africa?

BBC One is not available outside of the UK due to licensing agreements. These agreements restrict broadcasters from showing certain content outside specific regions – which is why you can’t access BBC One directly in South Africa.

How can I watch Question Time Season 13 in South Africa?

You can watch Question Time Season 13 in South Africa by using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) like ExpressVPN or NordVPN. By selecting a server located in the United Kingdom, you can bypass geo-restrictions and stream the show on BBC iPlayer.

When was Question Time Season 13 released?

The thirteenth season of Question Time aired on January 10, 1991. The season consisted of a total of 34 episodes.

Who are some notable cast members from Question Time Season 13?

The main cast for this season includes David Dimbleby as the chair along with various panellists such as Kenneth Clarke, Charles Kennedy, Robin Cook among others.

How many episodes are there in Question Time Season 13?

Season 13 consists of a total of 34 episodes. Each episode presents an array of topics discussed by different panellists.

Which VPNs do you recommend for streaming Question Time Season 13 in South Africa?

We recommend ExpressVPN and NordVPN for streaming Question Time Season 13 on BBC One from South Africa. Both VPNs offer high-speed servers in the UK which ensures smooth streaming without any buffering issues.

What is the format of Question Time?

“Question Time” offers viewers a unique platform where distinguished figures from politics and other fields gather to debate current issues and answer questions from the public. This format provides a refreshing perspective on contemporary topics while promoting intellectual discourse among its audience.

Who are some of the crew members behind “Question Time”?

The crew that brought “Question Time” to life includes Rob Hopkin as Director and Nicolai Gentchev as Editor. Their contribution to the show’s success cannot be understated, shaping it into a platform for thought-provoking discussions and debates.

How has “Question Time” been received by viewers and critics?

With an average vote of 4.9 based on 10 votes, “Question Time” has had a commendable reception among viewers and critics alike. Its unique format, dynamic debates, and impressive cast have all contributed to its lasting popularity over the years.