Question Time, a classic British television show that first aired on September 25, 1979, has been the go-to platform for public debate and discussion. The show is renowned for its engaging format where a panel of political figures and influential personalities answer questions posed by the audience. With an average vote of 4.9 based on ten votes, this talk-show style series produced by Mentorn Media is now set to release its much-anticipated Season 13.

The upcoming season promises to be as enlightening and stimulating as ever, featuring familiar faces such as David Dimbleby, Robin Day, Fiona Bruce, Peter Sissons and many more. Despite being originally broadcasted on BBC One in the United Kingdom, fans from all over the world have shown immense interest in the show. However, Australian viewers might find it challenging to access BBC One due to regional restrictions. But don’t worry! We’ve got you covered with some quick steps on how you can watch Question Time Season 13 in Australia.

Quick Steps on How to Watch Question Time Season 13 in Australia on BBC One

  1. Download a VPN (Virtual Private Network) like ExpressVPN or NordVPN.
  2. Install the VPN application onto your device.
  3. Select a server located within the UK.
  4. Visit BBC iPlayer website or app.
  5. Create an account if you haven’t already done so (it’s free).
  6. You’re all set! Enjoy watching Question Time Season 13!

Why is BBC One not available in Australia?

BBC One’s unavailability in Australia is primarily due to geo-restrictions imposed by content providers. These restrictions are put in place to protect the rights of local broadcasters and ensure that only audiences within the UK can access the content. This is a common practice among many international television networks, including BBC One.

However, these geo-restrictions can be bypassed using a VPN service. A VPN masks your IP address and makes it appear as if you’re browsing from within the UK, thus allowing you to access BBC One and watch Question Time Season 13 without any hassle.

What is the Question Time Season 13 Release Date?

The much-awaited Season 13 of Question Time aired its first episode on January 10, 1991. The season comprises an impressive line-up of 34 episodes, each promising insightful discussions and debates on current affairs.

Question Time Cast

The cast of Question Time features some prominent figures who have significantly contributed to its success over the years. David Dimbleby leads as Self – Chair with an impressive record of appearing in 917 episodes. Other notable personalities include Robin Day, Fiona Bruce, Peter Sissons, Ken Clarke and Shirley Williams amongst others.

How many episodes of Question Time Season 13 are there?

Season 13 boasts a total of 34 episodes with intriguing discussions on various topics. While most episode overviews remain undisclosed to maintain suspense, we do know that Episode number two titled “17/01/1991” features panellists Paddy Ashdown, Kenneth Clarke, Roy Hattersley, Gerald Kaufman, Bruce Kent, David Owen and David Sheppard.

The Best VPN for streaming Question Time Season 13 in Australia on BBC One

We recommend ExpressVPN or NordVPN for their exceptional streaming quality. Both services offer high-speed servers in the UK which ensures a smooth and buffer-free streaming experience. Additionally, they provide robust security features to protect your online privacy.

ExpressVPN is known for its fast connection speeds, making it ideal for streaming high-quality video content. On the other hand, NordVPN offers advanced security features along with reliable performance. Both VPNs are compatible with a wide range of devices and offer user-friendly interfaces.

The Show

Produced by Mentorn Media and broadcast on BBC One, “Question Time” is an intriguing blend of news and talk genres. The show’s essence lies in its simple yet captivating format: a panel of political figures answer questions from the public. It’s like having a front-row seat at a live debate, where opinions fly, tempers flare, and resolutions are sought!

The characters speak English, making it easily accessible for a global audience. The spotlight here is not so much on individual characters as it is on their thoughts, ideologies, and arguments.

With an impressive run spanning from September 25th, 1979 to September 28th, 2023 – that’s over four decades! – “Question Time” boasts an enormous number of episodes: 1,588 spread across 45 seasons. Now that’s quite a binge-watch challenge!

Intriguingly enough though, most episodes don’t have detailed overviews available – they let the debates do all the talking. However, one episode from Season 13 aired on January 17th,1991 features panellists Paddy Ashdown, Kenneth Clarke among others who bring insightful perspectives to the table.

The cast list reads like a who’s who of political commentators and figures in Britain. Names such as David Dimbleby (self-chair for an astounding 917 episodes), Robin Day (330 episodes), Fiona Bruce (192 episodes) stand out among many others including Ken Clarke & Shirley Williams appearing as frequent panellists.

The crew behind this show includes Rob Hopkin as Director, and Nicolai Gentchev serving both as an Editor and Executive Producer. Their collective efforts have ensured the show’s smooth run over the years.

Despite having an average vote of 4.9 based on 10 counts, “Question Time” has managed to create a niche for itself among audiences who love intellectual debates and discussions. Critics too seem to appreciate this unique format.

For our Australian audience looking to catch “Question Time,” we recommend using ExpressVPN or NordVPN services. These ensure good streaming quality for BBC One, allowing you to enjoy this British gem without any hiccups. Just remember to grab some popcorn before you start your binge session!

“Question Time” is not just another TV show; it’s a platform that encourages dialogue, sparks thought-provoking conversations, and gives viewers a chance to see political figures in action. So if you’re ready for some brain-stimulating entertainment, it’s time for “Question Time.”


What is Question Time?

Question Time is a classic British television show that first aired on September 25, 1979. It’s a platform for public debate and discussion where a panel of political figures and influential personalities answer questions posed by the audience.

How can I watch Question Time Season 13 in Australia?

You can watch Question Time Season 13 in Australia by using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) like ExpressVPN or NordVPN. By selecting a server located within the UK, you can access BBC One via the BBC iPlayer website or app and enjoy watching the show.

Why isn’t BBC One available in Australia?

BBC One’s unavailability in Australia is primarily due to geo-restrictions imposed by content providers to protect the rights of local broadcasters. However, these restrictions can be bypassed using a VPN service which masks your IP address and makes it appear as if you’re browsing from within the UK.

When was Question Time Season 13 released?

The much-awaited Season 13 of Question Time aired its first episode on January 10, 1991. The season comprises an impressive line-up of 34 episodes.

Who are some notable cast members of Question Time?

The cast of Question Time features prominent figures such as David Dimbleby, Robin Day, Fiona Bruce, Peter Sissons, Ken Clarke and Shirley Williams amongst others.

How many episodes are there in Question Time Season 13?

Season 13 boasts a total of 34 episodes with intriguing discussions on various topics.

Which VPN should I use for streaming Question Time Season 13 in Australia on BBC One?

We recommend ExpressVPN or NordVPN for their exceptional streaming quality. Both services offer high-speed servers in the UK which ensures a smooth and buffer-free streaming experience.

What is the format of Question Time?

The show’s essence lies in its simple yet captivating format: a panel of political figures answer questions from the public. It’s like having a front-row seat at a live debate, where opinions fly, tempers flare, and resolutions are sought!

How long has Question Time been running?

With an impressive run spanning from September 25th, 1979 to September 28th, 2023 – that’s over four decades! – “Question Time” boasts an enormous number of episodes: 1,588 spread across 45 seasons.

Who are some of the crew members behind Question Time?

The crew behind this show includes Rob Hopkin as Director, and Nicolai Gentchev serving both as an Editor and Executive Producer. Their collective efforts have ensured the show’s smooth run over the years.