Question Time, a British television institution since its first airing on September 25, 1979, is a news and talk show that has been keeping viewers informed and engaged for over four decades. Produced by Mentorn Media and aired on BBC One, the show is renowned for its panel of guests who discuss current affairs and answer questions from the audience. The main characters include David Dimbleby, Robin Day, Fiona Bruce, Peter Sissons – all serving as chairs at different times throughout the series.

The twelfth season of Question Time aired in 1990 with an array of panellists including Baroness Trumpington, Robin Cook, Pauline Perry, Anthony Sampson among others. This article will guide you through how to watch this classic season in the US on BBC One.

Quick Steps on How to Watch Question Time Season 12 in The US on BBC One

  1. Choose a VPN service provider such as ExpressVPN or NordVPN.
  2. Download and install your chosen VPN software onto your device.
  3. Select a server located in the UK.
  4. Visit the BBC iPlayer website or app.
  5. Create an account if you don’t already have one (you’ll need to provide a UK postcode).
  6. Navigate to Question Time Season 12 and start streaming!

Why is BBC One not available in The US?

BBC One is not available outside of the UK due to broadcasting rights and licensing agreements. These restrictions are put into place because content producers sell their shows separately in different countries. Therefore, it’s common for broadcasters like BBC One to geo-block their content so it can only be accessed within the UK.

What is the Question Time Season 12 Release Date?

The twelfth season of Question Time first aired on January 18, 1990. The season comprises of 34 episodes, with a variety of topics discussed by an array of panellists.

Question Time Cast

The main cast members for this season include David Dimbleby serving as the chair for most episodes. Panellists include prominent figures such as Baroness Trumpington, Robin Cook, Pauline Perry, Anthony Sampson and many more. Each episode features different panellists who provide their unique perspectives on current affairs.

How many episodes of Question Time Season 12 are there?

Season 12 consists of a total of 34 episodes. Each episode features different panellists discussing current affairs and answering questions from the audience. Some notable episodes include Episode 3 with Baroness Trumpington and Robin Cook among others; Episode 5 featuring Margaret Beckett and Kenneth Clarke; and Episode 8 with Jane Grant and Michael Howard to name a few.

The Best VPN for streaming Question Time Season 12 in The US on BBC One

We recommend ExpressVPN or NordVPN for streaming Question Time Season 12 in the US on BBC One. Both these VPNs offer high-speed connections, ensuring that you can stream your favourite shows without any buffering or lagging issues. They also have servers located in the UK which allows you to bypass geo-restrictions imposed by BBC One.

ExpressVPN stands out for its superior streaming quality while NordVPN is known for its robust security features – both crucial aspects when choosing a VPN service provider. However, it’s always best to choose one that suits your specific needs and preferences.

The Show

The marquee of this grand production reads ‘Question Time’, and the plotline is as intriguing as it gets. This British talk show, aired on BBC One, is all about dissecting news through riveting discussions and debates. The showrunners have designed it to be a platform where the most pressing issues of the day are laid bare before an audience eager for answers.

‘Question Time’ is indeed quite the blueprint for successful TV programming. With its episodes primarily in English, it has consistently appealed to a broad spectrum of viewers across the UK and beyond. The language used by characters on the show reflects an earnest effort at facilitating open dialogues and fostering understanding among diverse perspectives.

The show first hit airwaves back on September 25th, 1979, and continued its fantastic run until September 28th, 2023. That’s a whopping 44 years! In terms of numbers – hold your breath – we’re talking about 45 seasons and an astonishing count of 1588 episodes.

Let’s talk about those behind this massive success story – Mentorn Media was the leading force in production while Rob Hopkin directed most episodes. Nicolai Gentchev took charge as both editor and executive producer alongside Hayley Valentine.

As for our cast members who breathed life into each episode? We had David Dimbleby charming us from his chair for over nine hundred episodes, followed closely by Robin Day and Fiona Bruce. Notable panellists included Ken Clarke, Shirley Williams, Menzies Campbell amongst others.

When it comes to the last episode, we’re keeping it under wraps. ‘Question Time’ is known for its impactful discussions and intense debates. And rest assured, the final episode lived up to that reputation.

So, how did ‘Question Time’ fare amongst viewers and critics? With an average vote of 4.9 from 10 voters, it’s safe to say that the show had a commendable run. The news and talk genres combined with thought-provoking content made for a unique viewing experience that resonated with many.

And now for our US audience who are keen on catching this British gem – we’ve got you covered! We recommend using ExpressVPN or NordVPN for quality streaming. These VPN services allow you to access BBC One without any hitches so you can enjoy ‘Question Time’ in all its glory. Just imagine cozying up with your favourite snack as you delve into one of Britain’s most riveting talk shows!


What is Question Time?

Question Time is a British television news and talk show that has been airing since September 25, 1979. It’s known for its panel of guests who discuss current affairs and answer questions from the audience. The show has had various chairs throughout its run, including David Dimbleby, Robin Day, Fiona Bruce, and Peter Sissons.

How can I watch Question Time Season 12 in the US?

You can watch Question Time Season 12 in the US by using a VPN service such as ExpressVPN or NordVPN. After installing your chosen VPN software onto your device, select a server located in the UK. Then visit the BBC iPlayer website or app, create an account if you don’t already have one (you’ll need to provide a UK postcode), navigate to Question Time Season 12 and start streaming!

Why isn’t BBC One available in the US?

BBC One isn’t available outside of the UK due to broadcasting rights and licensing agreements. Content producers often sell their shows separately in different countries which leads broadcasters like BBC One to geo-block their content so it can only be accessed within specific regions.

When was Question Time Season 12 released?

The twelfth season of Question Time first aired on January 18, 1990. The season comprises of 34 episodes with various topics discussed by an array of panellists.

Who are some notable cast members from Question Time Season 12?

The main cast members for this season include David Dimbleby serving as the chair for most episodes. Panellists include prominent figures such as Baroness Trumpington, Robin Cook, Pauline Perry, Anthony Sampson and many more.

How many episodes are there in Question Time Season 12?

Season 12 of Question Time consists of a total of 34 episodes. Each episode features different panellists discussing current affairs and answering questions from the audience.

Which VPN is best for streaming Question Time Season 12 in the US on BBC One?

We recommend ExpressVPN or NordVPN for streaming Question Time Season 12 in the US on BBC One. Both these VPNs offer high-speed connections, ensuring that you can stream your favourite shows without any buffering or lagging issues. They also have servers located in the UK which allows you to bypass geo-restrictions imposed by BBC One.

What is the overall plotline of ‘Question Time’?

‘Question Time’ is a British talk show aired on BBC One that focuses on dissecting news through riveting discussions and debates. The showrunners have designed it to be a platform where pressing issues of the day are laid bare before an audience eager for answers.

Who were some notable figures involved in creating ‘Question Time’?

Mentorn Media was responsible for producing ‘Question Time’, with Rob Hopkin directing most episodes. Nicolai Gentchev served as both editor and executive producer alongside Hayley Valentine.

How did ‘Question Time’ fare amongst viewers and critics?

‘Question Time’ had a commendable run, with an average vote of 4.9 from 10 voters. The combination of news and talk genres along with thought-provoking content made for a unique viewing experience that resonated with many viewers.