For the uninitiated, “Question Time” is a riveting British television show that first aired on September 25, 1979. This compelling news and talk show has been a staple of British TV for decades, airing on BBC One and produced by Mentorn Media. With an impressive 45 seasons under its belt, it’s no wonder that audiences around the world are eager to tune in.

The main premise of “Question Time” involves a panel of politicians and other public figures who answer questions posed by the audience. It’s an engaging format that encourages open dialogue and debate on current issues. The tenth season aired back in 1988, featuring notable personalities such as David Dimbleby as the chair and Ken Clarke, Shirley Williams, Menzies Campbell among others as panellists.

Unfortunately for fans in the United States, accessing this gem from across the pond can be quite challenging due to geographical restrictions. But don’t fret! We’re here to guide you through how you can watch “Question Time” Season 10 right here in the US on BBC One!

Quick Steps on How to Watch Question Time Season 10 in The US on BBC One

  1. Subscribe to a reliable VPN service like ExpressVPN or NordVPN.
  2. Download and install your chosen VPN application onto your device.
  3. Select a server located within the UK from your VPN app.
  4. Navigate to BBC iPlayer website or app.
  5. Create an account if you haven’t already (use any UK postcode when prompted).
  6. Browse for “Question Time”, select Season 10 and start streaming!

Why is BBC One not available in The US?

BBC One is not readily available in the US due to geo-restrictions. These restrictions are put in place due to licensing agreements and copyright laws that limit the broadcasting of certain content outside of specific regions. In this case, BBC One is primarily intended for UK audiences.

However, these geographical limitations can be bypassed using a VPN (Virtual Private Network). A VPN masks your actual location and makes it appear as though you’re browsing from a different country – in this case, the UK. This allows you to access content on BBC One from anywhere in the world.

What is the Question Time Season 10 Release Date?

The tenth season of “Question Time” first aired on January 7, 1988. The show has been captivating audiences with its thought-provoking discussions and debates ever since.

Question Time Cast

The tenth season features an impressive lineup of panellists who bring their unique perspectives to each episode’s discussion. Some notable figures include David Dimbleby serving as chair for most episodes, Ken Clarke appearing as a panellist multiple times along with Shirley Williams, Menzies Campbell, Charles Kennedy and Robin Cook among others.

How many episodes of Question Time Season 10 are there?

The tenth season of “Question Time” consists of a whopping 35 episodes! Each episode brings fresh topics and new faces to the panel ensuring that no two discussions are alike.

The Best VPN for streaming Question Time Season 10 in The US on BBC One

We highly recommend ExpressVPN or NordVPN for streaming “Question Time” Season 10 in the US on BBC One. Both these services offer excellent streaming quality with minimal buffering or lagging issues. They also have a wide range of servers to choose from, ensuring that you can always find a reliable connection.

ExpressVPN and NordVPN both offer robust security features to protect your data and maintain your privacy. They also have user-friendly interfaces making it easy for even the most tech-challenged individuals to navigate and set up their VPN connections.

So, gear up, get your VPN ready, and prepare yourself for an enlightening journey into the world of British politics with “Question Time” Season 10!

The Show

Airing first on 25th September 1979, “Question Time” has carved out a formidable reputation as one of the longest-running shows in British TV history. With an impressive tally of 1588 episodes spread across 45 seasons, it bowed out on 28th September 2023. But fret not, with ExpressVPN or NordVPN at your disposal, you can easily catch up on all these episodes from anywhere in the US!

The premise is simple yet engaging – a panel comprising politicians, pundits and sometimes celebrities field questions posed by the audience. The result? A lively exchange of perspectives that keep viewers riveted. The English language gets a new lease on life every episode as panelists spar with words, making it an excellent watch for lovers of eloquent debates.

The credit for this spectacle goes to Mentorn Media under the stewardship of Nicolai Gentchev and Hayley Valentine who served as executive producers for several episodes. Rob Hopkin added his directorial flair to make “Question Time” a staple in countless homes across Britain.

Apart from the production maestros behind the scenes, “Question Time” boasts an impressive roll call of hosts and panellists who’ve graced its stage over the years. David Dimbleby holds the record with a staggering run hosting 917 episodes while Fiona Bruce comes in second with her stint spanning 192 episodes. The list also includes Robin Day and Peter Sissons, both of whom left indelible marks on the show.

Among the panellists, Ken Clarke and Shirley Williams are two names that stand out. They’ve participated in 59 and 56 episodes respectively. Menzies Campbell, Charles Kennedy, Robin Cook, and Nigel Farage also made significant contributions to the show’s spirited debates.

While “Question Time” didn’t exactly set scoreboards ablaze with an average vote of 4.9 from just ten votes, it’s important to remember that this is a show that’s more about sparking conversations than winning popularity contests. It might not be everyone’s cup of tea but for those who appreciate intellectual discourse and insightful debate – it’s a veritable goldmine.

So there you have it folks! Grab your ExpressVPN or NordVPN subscription today and get ready to dive into a world where words wield power and every question sparks a lively debate. Get ready for “Question Time”!


What is “Question Time”?

“Question Time” is a popular British television show that first aired on September 25, 1979. The show involves a panel of politicians and other public figures who answer questions posed by the audience, encouraging open dialogue and debate on current issues.

Why can’t I watch “Question Time” Season 10 in the US on BBC One?

BBC One is not readily available in the US due to geo-restrictions. These restrictions are put in place due to licensing agreements and copyright laws that limit the broadcasting of certain content outside of specific regions.

How can I bypass these geographical restrictions?

You can bypass these geographical limitations using a VPN (Virtual Private Network). A VPN masks your actual location and makes it appear as though you’re browsing from a different country – in this case, the UK. This allows you to access content on BBC One from anywhere in the world.

When was “Question Time” Season 10 released?

The tenth season of “Question Time” first aired on January 7, 1988.

Who are some notable figures featured in Season 10?

The tenth season features an impressive lineup of panellists including David Dimbleby serving as chair for most episodes, Ken Clarke appearing as a panellist multiple times along with Shirley Williams, Menzies Campbell, Charles Kennedy and Robin Cook among others.

How many episodes are there in Season 10?

The tenth season of “Question Time” consists of a whopping 35 episodes!

Which VPN service do you recommend for streaming “Question Time” Season 10 in The US on BBC One?

We highly recommend ExpressVPN or NordVPN for streaming “Question Time” Season 10 in the US on BBC One. Both these services offer excellent streaming quality with minimal buffering or lagging issues.

How long has “Question Time” been running?

“Question Time” first aired on September 25, 1979 and has an impressive tally of 1588 episodes spread across 45 seasons.

Who are some notable hosts and panellists of “Question Time” over the years?

David Dimbleby holds the record with a staggering run hosting 917 episodes while Fiona Bruce comes in second with her stint spanning 192 episodes. Among the panellists, Ken Clarke and Shirley Williams have participated in numerous episodes along with Menzies Campbell, Charles Kennedy, Robin Cook, and Nigel Farage.

What is the average rating of “Question Time”?

“Question Time” didn’t exactly set scoreboards ablaze with an average vote of 4.9 from just ten votes. However, it’s more about sparking conversations than winning popularity contests.