For the uninitiated, “Question Time” is a long-standing British television show that first aired on September 25, 1979. This engaging and thought-provoking series is broadcasted on BBC One and has been a staple of British television for over four decades. The show features a panel of politicians, pundits, and public figures who answer questions posed by the audience. It’s a lively debate platform where pressing issues are discussed, opinions are challenged, and viewpoints are shared.

The first season of “Question Time” was hosted by Robin Day with panellists including Michael Foot, Teddy Taylor, Edna O’Brien, Archbishop Derek Worlock among others. Over the years the host chair has been filled by notable personalities like David Dimbleby and Fiona Bruce. If you’re in Ireland and want to catch up with this riveting series from its inception but aren’t sure how to access it on BBC One – we’ve got you covered!

Quick Steps on How to Watch Question Time Season 1 in Ireland on BBC One

  1. Download and install a VPN service such as ExpressVPN or NordVPN.
  2. Select a server located in the UK.
  3. Visit the BBC iPlayer website or app.
  4. Create an account if you don’t already have one (you will need to provide a UK postcode).
  5. Login into your account.
  6. Navigate to Question Time Season 1.
  7. Sit back and enjoy!

Why is BBC One not available in Ireland?

BBC One content isn’t readily available outside of the UK due to licensing restrictions. These restrictions are put in place because rights for shows are usually sold to broadcasters country by country. Therefore, BBC One can only show its content in the UK where it holds the rights.

However, this doesn’t mean you can’t watch your favourite shows like “Question Time” if you’re in Ireland. With the help of a VPN (Virtual Private Network), you can bypass these geographical restrictions and enjoy your favourite British shows.

What is the Question Time Season 1 Release Date?

The first season of “Question Time” aired on September 25, 1979. This pioneering season set the stage for what would become one of Britain’s most influential and long-standing television series.

Question Time Cast

The cast of “Question Time” is ever-changing with different panellists appearing each week. However, there have been some regular faces over the years. The first season was hosted by Robin Day, who chaired discussions among notable figures such as Michael Foot, Teddy Taylor, Edna O’Brien and Archbishop Derek Worlock.

In later seasons David Dimbleby took over as chair for an impressive 917 episodes! Fiona Bruce currently hosts the show having taken over from Dimbleby in January 2019.

How many episodes of Question Time Season 1 are there?

“Question Time” Season 1 consists of thirteen engaging episodes that cover a wide range of topics. Each episode features a panel discussion with different guests who bring their unique perspectives to pressing issues. From politics to culture and everything in between – no topic is off-limits on “Question Time”.

The Best VPN for streaming Question Time Season 1 in Ireland on BBC One

We recommend ExpressVPN or NordVPN for streaming “Question Time” Season 1 in Ireland on BBC One. Both these VPN services offer high-speed connections, a large number of servers in the UK, and robust security features. They also provide excellent customer service and are compatible with a wide range of devices.

ExpressVPN is known for its blazing-fast speeds which make it perfect for streaming content without any buffering or lag. NordVPN on the other hand offers advanced security features like double VPN and Onion over VPN.

The Show

At its heart, “Question Time” is a news and talk show that brings together diverse panellists from various walks of life – politicians, journalists, authors, public figures – to discuss current affairs. The charm lies in its rawness: it’s unscripted; it’s unpredictable; it’s real. One can never predict the direction each episode will take as panel members respond to questions posed by audience members.

“Question Time” first hit the airwaves on September 25th, 1979 under BBC One. Since then it has aired an astonishing 1588 episodes across 45 seasons. The latest air date was recorded on September 28th, 2023.

A quick dive into the cast reveals some prominent names who have graced this esteemed platform. David Dimbleby led the charge with an impressive stint of chairing 917 episodes! Other notable hosts include Robin Day and Fiona Bruce. The panel too boasts big names like Ken Clarke and Shirley Williams among others.

What’s more interesting about “Question Time” is its behind-the-scenes team – Rob Hopkin directed numerous episodes while Nicolai Gentchev wore many hats serving as both editor and executive producer alongside Hayley Valentine.

The last episode saw our panel engage in another riveting discussion that left audiences contemplating long after the credits rolled. But we won’t spoil that for you here!

Although “Question Time” has a 4.9 average vote from viewers, it’s not just about the numbers. It’s about the legacy of a show that has remained relevant through changing times, delivering unfiltered views and sparking insightful debates.

For our friends in Ireland eager to catch this fascinating spectacle, we recommend using ExpressVPN or NordVPN for top-notch streaming quality. Just connect to a UK server and you’ll be all set to enjoy “Question Time” on BBC One without any hiccups. Happy viewing!


What is “Question Time”?

“Question Time” is a long-standing British television show that first aired on September 25, 1979. The show features a panel of politicians, pundits, and public figures who answer questions posed by the audience. It’s a lively debate platform where pressing issues are discussed, opinions are challenged, and viewpoints are shared.

How can I watch “Question Time” Season 1 in Ireland?

You can watch “Question Time” Season 1 in Ireland by using a VPN service such as ExpressVPN or NordVPN. After installing the VPN, select a server located in the UK. Then visit the BBC iPlayer website or app and create an account if you don’t already have one (you will need to provide a UK postcode). Login into your account and navigate to Question Time Season 1.

Why isn’t BBC One available in Ireland?

BBC One content isn’t readily available outside of the UK due to licensing restrictions. These restrictions are put in place because rights for shows are usually sold to broadcasters country by country. Therefore, BBC One can only show its content in the UK where it holds the rights.

When was “Question Time” Season 1 released?

The first season of “Question Time” aired on September 25, 1979.

Who were some notable hosts and panellists on “Question Time”?

The cast of “Question Time” changes each week with different panellists appearing. However, there have been some regular faces over the years including Robin Day who hosted the first season. Other notable hosts include David Dimbleby who chaired an impressive 917 episodes and Fiona Bruce who currently hosts the show.

How many episodes are there in “Question Time” Season 1?

“Question Time” Season 1 consists of thirteen engaging episodes that cover a wide range of topics.

Which VPN is best for streaming “Question Time” Season 1 in Ireland on BBC One?

We recommend ExpressVPN or NordVPN for streaming “Question Time” Season 1 in Ireland on BBC One. Both these VPN services offer high-speed connections, a large number of servers in the UK, and robust security features.

What is the format of “Question Time”?

“Question Time” is a news and talk show that brings together diverse panellists from various walks of life to discuss current affairs. The charm lies in its rawness: it’s unscripted; it’s unpredictable; it’s real. Each episode features panel members responding to questions posed by audience members.

How many seasons and episodes of “Question Time” have aired so far?

Since its inception on September 25th, 1979, “Question Time” has aired an astonishing 1588 episodes across 45 seasons. The latest air date was recorded on September 28th, 2023.

Who are some notable figures who have appeared on “Question Time”?

Apart from hosts like David Dimbleby, Robin Day and Fiona Bruce, the panel too boasts big names like Ken Clarke and Shirley Williams among others. The behind-the-scenes team includes Rob Hopkin who directed numerous episodes while Nicolai Gentchev served as both editor and executive producer alongside Hayley Valentine.

What is the viewer rating for “Question Time”?

“Question Time” has a high average viewer rating of 4.9 but its appeal goes beyond the numbers. It’s about the legacy of a show that has remained relevant through changing times, delivering unfiltered views and sparking insightful debates.