Step into the world of riveting drama with the iconic TV show, “Play for Today”. This British television anthology series, which aired from 1970 to 1984 on BBC One, was a cornerstone of British television drama. The show was known for its diverse range of stories and themes, often focusing on contemporary social issues. Its 14th season is particularly memorable, featuring a captivating array of narratives that span from football club rivalries to nuclear holocaust survival.

The main characters are as varied as the episodes themselves, brought to life by an exceptional cast including Nigel Hawthorne, Colin Douglas, Bernard Hill and many more. Each episode is a standalone story that delves deep into human experiences and societal challenges. However, if you’re in New Zealand and want to catch this dramatic rollercoaster ride on BBC One, you might run into some roadblocks due to regional restrictions. But don’t worry! We’ve got you covered with a simple solution: using a VPN.

Quick Steps on How to Watch Play for Today Season 14 in New Zealand on BBC One

  1. Download and install a reliable VPN service like ExpressVPN or NordVPN.
  2. Select a server located in the UK.
  3. Connect to the server.
  4. Navigate to the BBC iPlayer website or app.
  5. Create an account or log in if you already have one (you will need a UK postal code).
  6. Search for “Play for Today” Season 14 and start streaming!

Why is BBC One not available in New Zealand?

BBC One is not available outside of the UK due to licensing agreements and copyright laws. These restrictions are put in place to protect the financial interests of content creators and distributors. However, by using a VPN, you can bypass these geographical restrictions and access BBC One from anywhere in the world, including New Zealand.

What is the Play for Today Season 14 Release Date?

The 14th season of “Play for Today” originally aired on October 25, 1983. This season includes a total of 16 episodes, each offering a unique story that will keep you hooked till the end.

Play for Today Cast

The cast of “Play for Today” Season 14 features some notable names in British television. Nigel Hawthorne appeared in six episodes while Colin Douglas graced five episodes with his presence. Bernard Hill was featured in four episodes and Graham Ashley played Mr. Hutton across four episodes as well.

How many episodes of Play for Today Season 14 are there?

“Play for Today” Season 14 consists of sixteen engrossing episodes. From “Stan’s Last Game”, which explores rivalries within a northern football club to “Z for Zachariah”, a chilling tale about survival after nuclear holocaust – each episode offers an engaging narrative that keeps viewers glued to their screens.

The Best VPN for streaming Play for Today Season 14 in New Zealand on BBC One

We recommend ExpressVPN or NordVPN as they offer excellent streaming quality and have reliable servers located in the UK which allows you to easily access BBC One from New Zealand. Both VPNs offer high-speed connections and strong privacy protections ensuring your viewing experience is smooth and secure.

The Show

“Play for Today” is a tribute to the power of storytelling. Each episode offers a unique narrative experience – from tackling issues of unemployment among Oxford dropouts in “Hard Feelings”, to exploring the tragic aftermath of nuclear holocaust in “Z for Zachariah”. With a total of 308 episodes spanning across various themes and genres, this show promises an engaging watch every time.

The genius minds behind this spectacle include Remi Adefarasin as Director of Photography and Alan Clarke as Director. Their combined artistic vision shaped “Play for Today” into an iconic TV show that resonated with audiences far and wide. The dialogue primarily unfolds in English, reflecting the cultural context of its origin country – Great Britain.

One can’t talk about “Play for Today” without lauding its talented ensemble cast. From Nigel Hawthorne’s riveting performances in six episodes to Thora Hird’s compelling appearances in three episodes – every character left an indelible mark on the audience’s hearts. The crew also included some notable names like Claude Whatham and Philip Saville who directed seven episodes each.

In its final season aired in 1983-84, viewers were treated with gripping narratives like “Dog Ends,” where euthanasia becomes commonplace in future society or “King,” wherein a man’s retirement plans are thwarted by unexpected family conflicts. The last episode titled “The Amazing Miss Stella Estelle” marked the end of an era, leaving viewers longing for more.

Although the show ended decades ago, its impact is still palpable among TV enthusiasts. Garnering an average vote of 5.833 across all seasons and a slightly higher 7 for its last season, “Play for Today” certainly managed to carve out a niche in viewers’ hearts.

For our friends in New Zealand who want to embark on this emotional rollercoaster ride, we recommend using ExpressVPN or NordVPN. These services provide excellent streaming quality and will help you tune into BBC One where the show originally aired. So, whether you’re catching up on old favourites or discovering new ones – VPNs ensure that geographical boundaries don’t come between you and your favourite shows!


What is “Play for Today”?

“Play for Today” is a British television anthology series that aired from 1970 to 1984 on BBC One. The show was known for its diverse range of stories and themes, often focusing on contemporary social issues. Each episode is a standalone story that delves deep into human experiences and societal challenges.

Why can’t I watch “Play for Today” Season 14 in New Zealand?

BBC One, the channel that airs “Play for Today”, is not available outside of the UK due to licensing agreements and copyright laws. These restrictions are put in place to protect the financial interests of content creators and distributors.

How can I watch “Play for Today” Season 14 in New Zealand?

You can use a VPN service like ExpressVPN or NordVPN to bypass geographical restrictions. By connecting to a server located in the UK, you will be able to access BBC One from anywhere in the world, including New Zealand.

Who are some notable cast members of “Play for Today” Season 14?

The cast of “Play for Today” Season 14 features Nigel Hawthorne, Colin Douglas, Bernard Hill among others. Nigel Hawthorne appeared in six episodes while Colin Douglas graced five episodes with his presence. Bernard Hill was featured in four episodes.

How many episodes does “Play for Today” Season 14 have?

“Play for Today” Season 14 consists of sixteen engrossing episodes. Each episode offers an engaging narrative that keeps viewers glued to their screens.

Which VPN services do you recommend to stream Play for Today Season 14 on BBC One from New Zealand?

We recommend ExpressVPN or NordVPN as they offer excellent streaming quality and have reliable servers located in the UK. Both VPNs offer high-speed connections and strong privacy protections ensuring your viewing experience is smooth and secure.

What are some standout episodes from “Play for Today” Season 14?

Some standout episodes from “Play for Today” Season 14 include “Stan’s Last Game”, which explores rivalries within a northern football club, and “Z for Zachariah”, a chilling tale about survival after nuclear holocaust.

Who were the creators behind “Play for Today”?

The genius minds behind this spectacle include Remi Adefarasin as Director of Photography and Alan Clarke as Director. Their combined artistic vision shaped “Play for Today” into an iconic TV show that resonated with audiences far and wide.

When did the 14th season of “Play for Today” originally air?

The 14th season of “Play for Today” originally aired on October 25, 1983. This season includes a total of 16 episodes, each offering a unique story that will keep you hooked till the end.