Prepare yourself for a thrilling journey back into the world of “Play for Today,” an iconic British television drama anthology series that aired on BBC One from 1970 to 1984. This groundbreaking series, known for its diverse and thought-provoking storylines, is ready to be explored once again with its tenth season. From the trials of a fanatical Elvis Presley fan in “Long Distance Information” to the dramatic events leading up to the 1975 Spaghetti House siege in London depicted in “A Hole in Babylon”, each episode promises a unique narrative experience.

The show features an ensemble cast including Nigel Hawthorne, Colin Douglas, Bernard Hill, and Pauline Quirke among others. Each actor brings their characters to life with compelling performances that resonate long after the credits roll. So gear up Canadian fans! Here’s your guide on how you can watch Play for Today Season 10 on BBC One right from your home.

Quick Steps on How to Watch Play for Today Season 10 in Canada on BBC One

  1. Download and install a VPN service such as ExpressVPN or NordVPN.
  2. Select a server located in the UK.
  3. Visit the BBC iPlayer website or app.
  4. Create an account if you don’t already have one (remember to use a UK postal code).
  5. Login and navigate to Play for Today Season 10.
  6. Sit back and enjoy!

Why is BBC One not available in Canada?

BBC One isn’t readily available outside of the UK due to licensing agreements and copyright laws. These restrictions limit where content can be shown; this practice is known as geo-blocking. However, with the use of a VPN (Virtual Private Network), you can bypass these restrictions by changing your IP address to one from the UK, making it appear as if you’re browsing from there.

What is the Play for Today Season 10 Release Date?

The tenth season of Play for Today aired on BBC One starting from October 11, 1979. The season comprised of 28 episodes, each offering a unique and engaging storyline.

Play for Today Cast

The tenth season of Play for Today boasts an impressive cast including Nigel Hawthorne, Colin Douglas, Bernard Hill and Pauline Quirke. Each actor delivers a stellar performance that adds depth and authenticity to their respective characters.

How many episodes of Play for Today Season 10 are there?

Season 10 consists of 28 captivating episodes. Each episode tells a standalone story ranging from tales about Elvis Presley fanatics to narratives exploring the events leading up to significant historical events like the Spaghetti House siege in London.

The Best VPN for streaming Play for Today Season 10 in Canada on BBC One

We recommend ExpressVPN or NordVPN services that provide excellent streaming quality for BBC One. Both these VPNs offer high-speed connections and robust security features ensuring smooth streaming experience while protecting your online privacy.

The Show

The marquee reads ‘Play for Today,’ but don’t let the name fool you. This is not your everyday playtime; it’s a journey that delves into the human experience with raw emotion, grit, and power. Premiering on October 15th, 1970, this show took viewers by storm until its final bow on August 28th, 1984. During this period, it aired an impressive number of 308 episodes over 14 seasons.

‘Play for Today’ is all about storytelling in its purest form. The plotlines are diverse yet captivating – from the tale of a fanatical Elvis Presley fan working as a disc jockey when his idol dies to budding comedians taking an evening class taught by a retired performer with their final exam being performing for an impresario in a nightclub. Each episode holds up a mirror to society and reflects back themes that remain relevant even today.

The brilliance behind these stories comes from dedicated showrunners like Alan Clarke who directed numerous episodes. The language is English – plain yet powerful enough to keep viewers engrossed in every line delivered by the characters.

As we take roll call among the cast members, some notable names pop up such as Nigel Hawthorne who appeared in six episodes and Colin Douglas who featured in five episodes. Bernard Hill also made four appearances alongside Graham Ashley playing Mr Hutton in four episodes too.

Talking about the last episode titled ‘A Walk in the Forest’, it tells the gripping story of a writer getting involved with a Soviet dissident. This episode, like many others in the series, showcases an intriguing mix of drama and suspense.

The show garnered an average vote of 5.833 from six votes. Although it might seem less compared to modern standards, remember that these were the days before binge-watching became the norm! The critical acclaim for ‘Play for Today’ was largely positive, with critics praising its innovative storytelling and powerful performances.

For our Canadian audience eager to catch this classic series, we recommend using ExpressVPN or NordVPN. These VPN services offer excellent streaming quality and can easily bypass geographical restrictions. Simply set your location to the United Kingdom and start watching ‘Play for Today’ on BBC One through your favourite streaming platform!


What is “Play for Today”?

“Play for Today” is an iconic British television drama anthology series that aired on BBC One from 1970 to 1984. The show is known for its diverse and thought-provoking storylines, each episode offering a unique narrative experience.

How can I watch Play for Today Season 10 in Canada?

You can watch Play for Today Season 10 in Canada by using a VPN service such as ExpressVPN or NordVPN. After installing the VPN, select a server located in the UK, visit the BBC iPlayer website or app, create an account (using a UK postal code), login and navigate to Play for Today Season 10.

Why isn’t BBC One available in Canada?

BBC One isn’t readily available outside of the UK due to licensing agreements and copyright laws. These restrictions limit where content can be shown; this practice is known as geo-blocking. However, with the use of a VPN (Virtual Private Network), you can bypass these restrictions by changing your IP address to one from the UK.

When was Play for Today Season 10 released?

The tenth season of Play for Today aired on BBC One starting from October 11, 1979.

Who are some notable cast members of Play for Today Season 10?

The tenth season of Play for Today features an impressive cast including Nigel Hawthorne, Colin Douglas, Bernard Hill and Pauline Quirke.

How many episodes are there in Play for Today Season 10?

Season 10 consists of 28 captivating episodes. Each episode tells a standalone story ranging from tales about Elvis Presley fanatics to narratives exploring significant historical events like the Spaghetti House siege in London.

Which VPN is best for streaming Play for Today Season 10 in Canada on BBC One?

We recommend ExpressVPN or NordVPN services that provide excellent streaming quality for BBC One. Both these VPNs offer high-speed connections and robust security features ensuring smooth streaming experience while protecting your online privacy.

What is the overall theme of ‘Play for Today’?

‘Play for Today’ delves into the human experience with raw emotion, grit, and power. The plotlines are diverse yet captivating – from tales about fanatical Elvis Presley fans to budding comedians taking an evening class. Each episode holds up a mirror to society and reflects back themes that remain relevant even today.

Who were some of the showrunners behind ‘Play for Today’?

The brilliance behind these stories comes from dedicated showrunners like Alan Clarke who directed numerous episodes.

What was the critical reception of ‘Play for Today’?

The critical acclaim for ‘Play for Today’ was largely positive, with critics praising its innovative storytelling and powerful performances. The show garnered an average vote of 5.833 from six votes.