Mastermind, a British television game show, has been a staple of the BBC One network since its first airing on September 11, 1972. This iconic show is known for its intense atmosphere and challenging questions that test contestants’ knowledge on a wide range of topics. The series features contestants answering questions in two rounds: one focusing on their chosen specialist subject and another on general knowledge. Over the years, the show has seen several hosts with John Humphrys, Magnus Magnusson, and Clive Myrie being some of the notable ones.

In this article, we’ll be focusing specifically on Season 9 which aired back in 1980. This season was packed with riveting episodes where contestants battled it out over subjects ranging from historical figures to scientific concepts. However, if you’re located in Ireland, you might have encountered difficulties accessing this season due to regional restrictions. But don’t worry! We’ve got your back! Here’s how you can watch Mastermind Season 9 in Ireland on BBC One.

Quick Steps on How to Watch Mastermind Season 9 in Ireland on BBC One

  1. Choose a VPN service like ExpressVPN or NordVPN.
  2. Download and install the VPN application onto your device.
  3. Select a server located within the UK.
  4. Connect to that server through your VPN application.
  5. Navigate to BBC iPlayer website or app and sign up/log in.
  6. You should now be able to stream Mastermind Season 9!

Why is BBC One not available in Ireland?

BBC One isn’t readily available outside of the UK due to licensing agreements and copyright laws. These regulations often restrict content to be shown only in the country of origin. However, with a VPN service, you can bypass these geographical restrictions by changing your IP address to one within the UK.

What is the Mastermind Season 9 Release Date?

Mastermind Season 9 first aired on August 31, 1980. The season consisted of a series of heats leading up to semi-finals and eventually culminating in an exciting final episode that aired on December 21, 1980.

Mastermind Cast

The main host for this season was Magnus Magnusson who was known for his stern demeanor and catchphrase “I’ve started so I’ll finish”. His hosting style added an extra layer of intensity to the show making it even more engaging for viewers.

How many episodes of Mastermind Season 9 are there?

Season 9 of Mastermind consists of a total of seventeen episodes. Each episode features different contestants battling it out over their chosen specialist subjects and general knowledge questions. The subjects range from historical figures like Queen Victoria and General Gordon of Khartoum to scientific concepts such as radiophysics and radar up to 1945.

The Best VPN for streaming Mastermind Season 9 in Ireland on BBC One

We recommend ExpressVPN or NordVPN services that provide excellent streaming quality for BBC One. Both offer fast speeds, reliable connections, and robust security features including AES-256 encryption, kill switch functionality, and strict no-logs policies. This ensures not only smooth streaming but also protection for your data.

The Show

The blueprint of Mastermind is simple yet captivating. Contestants are invited to sit on the famous black chair under an intense spotlight and answer questions on their chosen specialist subject, followed by a general knowledge round. The concept was born out of creator Bill Wright’s experiences of being interrogated by the Gestapo during World War II. The show is currently hosted by Clive Myrie, following the footsteps of John Humphrys and Magnus Magnusson who presented for many years prior.

Mastermind isn’t just about trivia; it’s about strategy too. Each contestant selects their specialist subject from any field – history, science, literature or pop culture. It’s a battle not only against opponents but also against time, with each participant having two minutes to answer as many questions as possible.

The thrill doesn’t end there! For our viewers in Ireland who may be feeling left out – fret not! You can easily catch up with all these mind-boggling episodes using ExpressVPN or NordVPN services that provide excellent streaming quality for BBC One where Mastermind airs. Just make sure your virtual location is set to United Kingdom and voila – you’re good to go!

Now let’s rewind back to season 9 aired in 1980 which featured quite some engaging episodes with contestants taking up challenges on diverse topics ranging from ‘Lives of Hesse and Battenberg’ in episode one through ‘Life and times of Prince Rupert of Rhine’ in episode two, all the way to ‘The Tower of London’ in the final episode. Every episode is a unique blend of tension, competition and enlightenment.

The show has been received with mixed reactions, scoring an average vote of 5.3 out of 10 based on nine votes. However, despite this lukewarm response, Mastermind’s longevity and continued popularity are testaments to its enduring appeal. The show has become a part of British cultural fabric, inspiring parodies and pop culture references along the way.

So if you’re someone who enjoys testing their general knowledge or simply enjoys learning something new every day, then Mastermind is definitely the show for you! Tune in to BBC One or catch up via VPN if you’re outside UK – we promise it will be an exciting journey!


What is the TV show Mastermind about?

Mastermind is a British television game show that tests contestants’ knowledge on a wide range of topics. The series features two rounds: one focusing on their chosen specialist subject and another on general knowledge. It’s known for its intense atmosphere and challenging questions.

Why can’t I watch Mastermind Season 9 in Ireland?

BBC One, which airs Mastermind, isn’t readily available outside of the UK due to licensing agreements and copyright laws. These regulations often restrict content to be shown only in the country of origin.

How can I watch Mastermind Season 9 in Ireland?

You can use a VPN service like ExpressVPN or NordVPN to bypass geographical restrictions. By changing your IP address to one within the UK using these services, you should be able to stream Mastermind Season 9 on BBC One.

When was Mastermind Season 9 released?

Mastermind Season 9 first aired on August 31, 1980, with the final episode airing on December 21, 1980.

Who hosted Mastermind Season 9?

The main host for this season was Magnus Magnusson who was known for his stern demeanor and catchphrase “I’ve started so I’ll finish”.

How many episodes are there in Mastermind Season 9?

Season 9 of Mastermind consists of a total of seventeen episodes.

Which VPN service do you recommend for streaming Mastermind Season 9 in Ireland?

We recommend ExpressVPN or NordVPN services as they provide excellent streaming quality for BBC One along with fast speeds, reliable connections, and robust security features.

What is the format of the Mastermind show?

Contestants are invited to sit on the famous black chair under an intense spotlight and answer questions on their chosen specialist subject, followed by a general knowledge round. Each participant has two minutes to answer as many questions as possible.

What were some of the topics covered in Mastermind Season 9?

The subjects range from historical figures like Queen Victoria and General Gordon of Khartoum to scientific concepts such as radiophysics and radar up to 1945. Other topics included ‘Lives of Hesse and Battenberg’, ‘Life and times of Prince Rupert of Rhine’, and ‘The Tower of London’.

How has Mastermind been received by viewers?

The show has been received with mixed reactions, scoring an average vote of 5.3 out of 10 based on nine votes. However, despite this lukewarm response, Mastermind’s longevity and continued popularity are testaments to its enduring appeal.