Mastermind, a British television quiz show that has been airing since 1972, is back with its 48th season. The show, originally hosted by Magnus Magnusson and currently hosted by Clive Myrie, features contestants answering questions on their chosen specialist subjects and general knowledge. Over the years, Mastermind has become a beloved staple of British television culture and continues to captivate audiences with its unique format and challenging questions.

The latest season promises more nail-biting episodes as contenders take the famous black chair under the glare of the spotlight and the ticking clock. From Bruce Springsteen to Marvel’s Avengers films, from James Bond villains to venomous snakes – this season covers an eclectic range of specialist subjects. However, if you’re in New Zealand and are wondering how you can watch this iconic show on BBC One, we’ve got you covered!

Quick Steps on How to Watch Mastermind Season 48 in New Zealand on BBC One

  1. Download a VPN (Virtual Private Network) application like ExpressVPN or NordVPN.
  2. Install the VPN application on your device.
  3. Select a server located in the UK.
  4. Visit the BBC iPlayer website or app.
  5. Create an account or log in if you already have one.
  6. Navigate to Mastermind Season 48 and start streaming!

Why is BBC One not available in New Zealand?

BBC One is not directly accessible in New Zealand due to geo-restrictions imposed by content providers. These restrictions are often put into place because of licensing agreements between broadcasters and content creators which limit where certain shows can be viewed. This means that some popular shows like Mastermind may not be available to watch on local channels or streaming platforms in New Zealand.

However, by using a VPN, you can bypass these geo-restrictions. A VPN masks your actual location and makes it appear as if you’re browsing from a different country – in this case, the UK. This allows you to access content that is typically unavailable in your region.

What is the Mastermind Season 48 Release Date?

The first episode of Mastermind Season 48 aired on August 23, 2021. The season consists of a total of 31 episodes with the grand finale airing on April 11, 2022.

Mastermind Cast

The main host for Mastermind Season 48 is Clive Myrie. Clive has been associated with the show since its inception and has hosted numerous episodes over the years. His sharp wit and engaging style have made him a favorite among viewers.

Prior to Clive Myrie, John Humphrys served as the host for several seasons. Magnus Magnusson was also a notable figure who played an instrumental role in shaping the show’s success during its early years.

How many episodes of Mastermind Season 48 are there?

The Best VPN for streaming Mastermind Season 48 in New Zealand on BBC One

We recommend ExpressVPN and NordVPN for streaming Mastermind Season 48 on BBC One from New Zealand. Both these VPN services offer excellent streaming quality with minimal buffering or lagging issues.

ExpressVPN stands out for its fast connection speeds which ensure smooth streaming experience while NordVPN is known for its extensive server network which allows users to connect from virtually anywhere in the world.

Both these VPNs also offer strong security features including AES-256 encryption and a strict no-logs policy to protect your online privacy. Plus, they both have user-friendly interfaces making them easy to use even for beginners.

The Show

The premise of Mastermind is simple yet engaging: contestants are grilled by the host on their chosen specialist subjects and general knowledge. From Bruce Springsteen to Swiss history, Rodgers and Hammerstein musicals to Marvel’s Avengers films – no topic is off-limits. Each episode teems with suspense as the contenders take turns answering rapid-fire questions while seated on the famous black chair under the glare of a spotlight.

Mastermind has seen three seasoned hosts at its helm – John Humphrys who hosted 544 episodes, Magnus Magnusson who took charge for 449 episodes, and Clive Myrie who currently leads the show with over 62 episodes to his credit.

The most recent season aired in August 2021, with subjects as diverse as James Bond villains, JRR Tolkien’s Middle-earth, venomous snakes, Madonna’s discography and even Britain’s involvement in the Spanish Civil War! In one memorable episode titled “Episode 31”, which was also the grand finale of this season aired on April 11th, 2022; topics included Sir Steve McQueen’s film and TV works, the Peak District National Park’s geography and history, Eleanor of Aquitaine’s intriguing life story alongside Open All Hours (a sitcom from yesteryears).

This iconic quiz show hasn’t just survived but thrived over five decades thanks to its unique format and the intellectual challenge it offers. Despite the fact that it doesn’t cater to mainstream tastes, Mastermind has carved a niche for itself in the hearts of viewers who appreciate cerebral content.

Now, if you’re in New Zealand and wondering how you can catch this fantastic show, worry not! We recommend using ExpressVPN or NordVPN services to ensure good streaming quality on BBC One. Both these VPNs provide secure access and high-speed streaming so that you don’t miss a moment of Mastermind’s thrilling episodes.


What is Mastermind?

Mastermind is a British television quiz show that has been airing since 1972. The show features contestants answering questions on their chosen specialist subjects and general knowledge. It’s known for its unique format, challenging questions, and the famous black chair where contenders sit under the glare of the spotlight.

Who hosts Mastermind Season 48?

The main host for Mastermind Season 48 is Clive Myrie. He has been associated with the show since its inception and his sharp wit and engaging style have made him a favorite among viewers.

Why can’t I watch BBC One in New Zealand?

BBC One is not directly accessible in New Zealand due to geo-restrictions imposed by content providers. These restrictions are often put into place because of licensing agreements between broadcasters and content creators which limit where certain shows can be viewed.

How can I watch Mastermind Season 48 in New Zealand?

You can watch Mastermind Season 48 in New Zealand by using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) application like ExpressVPN or NordVPN. By selecting a server located in the UK, you can visit the BBC iPlayer website or app, create an account or log in if you already have one, navigate to Mastermind Season 48 and start streaming!

When was the first episode of Mastermind Season 48 aired?

The first episode of Mastermind Season 48 aired on August 23, 2021.

How many episodes are there in Mastermind Season 48?

The season consists of a total of 31 episodes with the grand finale airing on April 11, 2022.

Which VPN is best for streaming Mastermind Season 48 in New Zealand?

We recommend ExpressVPN and NordVPN for streaming Mastermind Season 48 on BBC One from New Zealand. Both these VPN services offer excellent streaming quality with minimal buffering or lagging issues, fast connection speeds, extensive server networks, strong security features including AES-256 encryption and a strict no-logs policy to protect your online privacy.

What kind of subjects are covered in Mastermind?

Mastermind covers an eclectic range of specialist subjects. From Bruce Springsteen to Swiss history, Rodgers and Hammerstein musicals to Marvel’s Avengers films – no topic is off-limits. The most recent season aired in August 2021, with subjects as diverse as James Bond villains, JRR Tolkien’s Middle-earth, venomous snakes, Madonna’s discography and even Britain’s involvement in the Spanish Civil War!

Who were the previous hosts of Mastermind?

Prior to Clive Myrie, John Humphrys served as the host for several seasons. Magnus Magnusson was also a notable figure who played an instrumental role in shaping the show’s success during its early years.