Mastermind, the iconic British quiz show that has been challenging contestants with its famous black chair and spotlight since 1972, is back for its 46th season! This classic television staple, hosted by John Humphrys and later Clive Myrie, continues to test the knowledge of participants on a variety of specialist subjects. The show’s format involves each contestant answering questions on their chosen subject before facing a round of general knowledge questions. Originating from the UK and airing on BBC One, it has unfortunately not been readily available for viewers in New Zealand… until now!

In this article, we will guide you through how you can watch Mastermind Season 46 in New Zealand using a VPN. We’ll also discuss why BBC One isn’t available in New Zealand and introduce you to the cast of Mastermind. So buckle up as we dive into the world of trivia, spotlights, and ticking clocks!

Quick Steps on How to Watch Mastermind Season 46 in New Zealand on BBC One

  1. Choose a reliable VPN service (we recommend ExpressVPN or NordVPN).
  2. Download and install your chosen VPN.
  3. Select a server located in the UK.
  4. Visit the BBC iPlayer website or app.
  5. Create an account or log in if you already have one.
  6. Navigate to Mastermind Season 46 and enjoy!

Why is BBC One not available in New Zealand?

BBC One is not readily accessible outside of the UK due to geo-restrictions. These restrictions are put into place because of licensing agreements between content producers and broadcasters. They dictate where content can be shown geographically. However, by using a VPN, you can bypass these restrictions and access content as if you were in the UK.

What is the Mastermind Season 46 Release Date?

The first episode of Mastermind Season 46 aired on August 9, 2019. The season concluded with its grand finale on May 4, 2020.

Mastermind Cast

The host for this season was John Humphrys, who has presented over half of the episodes in the show’s history. Magnus Magnusson, the original host of Mastermind, also had a significant run before Humphrys took over. In more recent episodes, Clive Myrie has taken up hosting duties.

How many episodes of Mastermind Season 46 are there?

Mastermind Season 46 consists of an impressive total of 31 episodes. Each episode features different contenders presenting their specialist subjects ranging from national flags to Greek mythology and everything in between. The final episode culminates in a grand finale where contestants’ knowledge on topics such as Stonewall riots and Johannes Vermeer is put to test.

The Best VPN for streaming Mastermind Season 46 in New Zealand on BBC One

We recommend ExpressVPN or NordVPN for streaming Mastermind Season 46 on BBC One from New Zealand. Both VPNs offer high-speed connections and robust security features ensuring smooth streaming without buffering issues while keeping your data safe.

The Show

“Mastermind” is an intellectual battlefield where contenders face off under the glare of a spotlight. The format is deceptively simple: each participant gets two minutes to answer as many questions as possible on their chosen specialist subject, followed by another round of general knowledge questions. But it’s not just about what you know; it’s about how well you can handle the pressure.

The show is predominantly in English and hails from Great Britain – making it a quintessential part of British pop culture. It airs on BBC One and falls under the genre ‘Talk’, but let’s be honest, it could easily double up as ‘Thriller’ given those nail-biting moments!

Season after season, “Mastermind” has kept viewers on tenterhooks. With an impressive run of 46 seasons comprising a staggering 1085 episodes till date (as per data available till October 2023), this show indeed stands tall in television history.

The latest season was aired starting August 9th, 2019 with John Humphrys at the helm presenting each episode. The grand finale that aired on May 4th, 2020 saw contenders battling their brains out over topics ranging from Stonewall riots to Johannes Vermeer and Scotland’s ancient universities.

Apart from Humphrys who hosted more than half the episodes (544 to be precise), other notable hosts include Magnus Magnusson (449 episodes) and Clive Myrie (62 episodes). Each brings their own unique flair to the show, making each episode a fresh experience for viewers.

As for the response from viewers and critics, “Mastermind” has an average vote of 5.3 based on 9 votes. While this may not seem sky-high, it’s worth noting that the show’s longevity speaks volumes about its enduring appeal. It continues to captivate audiences with its blend of intellectual rigour and dramatic tension.

For our friends in New Zealand eager to catch this iconic show, we have a solution! You can stream “Mastermind” using ExpressVPN or NordVPN services. These VPNs provide excellent streaming quality and can help bypass any geographical restrictions. So grab your popcorn, settle into your armchair, and get ready to test your mettle against the Masterminds!


What is Mastermind?

Mastermind is an iconic British quiz show that has been challenging contestants since 1972. The show’s format involves each contestant answering questions on their chosen subject before facing a round of general knowledge questions. It’s known for its famous black chair and spotlight, creating a high-pressure environment for participants.

Why can’t I watch Mastermind Season 46 in New Zealand?

BBC One, the channel that airs Mastermind, is not readily accessible outside of the UK due to geo-restrictions. These restrictions are put into place because of licensing agreements between content producers and broadcasters which dictate where content can be shown geographically.

How can I watch Mastermind Season 46 in New Zealand?

You can watch Mastermind Season 46 in New Zealand by using a VPN service like ExpressVPN or NordVPN. By selecting a server located in the UK, you can bypass geo-restrictions and access BBC One as if you were in the UK.

Who hosts Mastermind Season 46?

The host for this season was John Humphrys, who has presented over half of the episodes in the show’s history. In more recent episodes, Clive Myrie has taken up hosting duties.

How many episodes are there in Mastermind Season 46?

Mastermind Season 46 consists of an impressive total of 31 episodes. Each episode features different contenders presenting their specialist subjects ranging from national flags to Greek mythology and everything in between.

When did Mastermind Season 46 air?

The first episode of Mastermind Season 46 aired on August 9, 2019. The season concluded with its grand finale on May 4, 2020.

What VPN do you recommend for streaming Mastermind Season 46 in New Zealand?

We recommend ExpressVPN or NordVPN for streaming Mastermind Season 46 on BBC One from New Zealand. Both VPNs offer high-speed connections and robust security features ensuring smooth streaming without buffering issues while keeping your data safe.

What is the format of the show?

The format of “Mastermind” is deceptively simple: each participant gets two minutes to answer as many questions as possible on their chosen specialist subject, followed by another round of general knowledge questions. But it’s not just about what you know; it’s about how well you can handle the pressure.

How long has Mastermind been running?

“Mastermind” has had an impressive run of 46 seasons comprising a staggering 1085 episodes till date (as per data available till October 2023), making it a significant part of television history.

Who are some notable hosts of Mastermind?

Apart from John Humphrys who hosted more than half the episodes, other notable hosts include Magnus Magnusson and Clive Myrie. Each brings their own unique flair to the show, making each episode a fresh experience for viewers.

What is the viewer response to “Mastermind”?

“Mastermind” has an average vote of 5.3 based on 9 votes. While this may not seem sky-high, it’s worth noting that the show’s longevity speaks volumes about its enduring appeal. It continues to captivate audiences with its blend of intellectual rigour and dramatic tension.