Mastermind, the iconic British quiz show, has been challenging contestants with its famous black chair since 1972. Hosted by John Humphrys, the show has become a staple of British television and is renowned for its tough questions and high-pressure environment. The main plot revolves around a series of contestants who are quizzed on their specialist subjects and general knowledge, with the aim of becoming the nation’s Mastermind. Unfortunately for fans in South Africa, accessing this thrilling game show can be a bit tricky due to regional restrictions on BBC One. But don’t worry! We have got you covered.

In this article, we will guide you through how to watch Mastermind Season 40 in South Africa on BBC One using a VPN service. We’ll also discuss why BBC One isn’t available in South Africa and introduce you to the cast members of Mastermind Season 40. So buckle up as we embark on this exciting journey!

Quick Steps on How to Watch Mastermind Season 40 in South Africa on BBC One

  1. Choose a reliable VPN service like ExpressVPN or NordVPN.
  2. Download and install your chosen VPN application onto your device.
  3. Select a server located within the UK from your VPN app.
  4. Visit the official website of BBC One or use their iPlayer app.
  5. Create an account if necessary (you may need to provide a UK postal code).
  6. Navigate to Mastermind Season 40 and enjoy watching!

Why is BBC One not available in South Africa?

BBC One is not available in South Africa due to geo-restrictions imposed by content licensing agreements. These agreements often limit the broadcasting of content to specific regions. This is why you can’t directly access BBC One and its shows like Mastermind in South Africa. However, by using a VPN service, you can bypass these geo-restrictions and enjoy your favorite shows from anywhere in the world.

What is the Mastermind Season 40 Release Date?

Mastermind Season 40 first aired on August 9, 2013. The season consisted of a series of exciting episodes that kept viewers glued to their screens week after week.

Mastermind Cast

The main cast members for this season include John Humphrys as the host, who has hosted over 544 episodes of Mastermind. Other notable figures include Magnus Magnusson and Clive Myrie.

How many episodes of Mastermind Season 40 are there?

Mastermind Season 40 consists of an impressive lineup of 31 riveting episodes. Each episode presents a new set of contenders who battle it out for the coveted title of Mastermind champion. From subjects ranging from historical figures to popular culture, each episode offers something unique for viewers.

The Best VPN for streaming Mastermind Season 40 in South Africa on BBC One

We recommend ExpressVPN and NordVPN as they provide excellent streaming quality for BBC One. Both VPNs offer fast connection speeds, robust security features, and extensive server networks including servers in the UK which are necessary to unblock BBC One’s content.

The Show

Debuted on September 11, 1972, this intellectual spectacle spans over four decades with an impressive count of 1085 episodes across 46 seasons. The latest season aired its final episode on October 2, 2023. Broadcasted on BBC One and primarily in English, “Mastermind” is a staple of British television that’s become synonymous with high-stakes quizzing.

The premise of “Mastermind” is deceptively simple yet profoundly engaging. Under the stern gaze of the host and against the ticking clock, contenders face a barrage of questions – first on their chosen specialist subject and then on general knowledge. Subjects range from historical figures like Alexander the Great and Frederick the Great of Prussia to popular culture topics such as ‘Dad’s Army’ or ABBA.

In recent years, John Humphrys took over as host after Magnus Magnusson’s long-standing tenure at the helm. More recently still, Clive Myrie stepped into Humphrys’ shoes – each host adding their unique flair to this time-honoured tradition.

The last season was no exception to Mastermind’s tradition of intriguing subjects. Episode highlights include deep dives into subjects like Black Sabbath (1968-1979), Burke and Hare’s notorious criminal exploits, Charles II’s reign and life & works by acclaimed authors Barbara Vine and Raymond Chandler amongst others.

But how has Mastermind fared among viewers? Well, with an average vote of 5.3 and a loyal fanbase, it’s safe to say that Mastermind has carved a niche for itself in the world of television quiz shows. It’s a show that demands respect – both from its contenders and its viewers!

For our South African audience eager to catch this exciting intellectual spectacle, we recommend using ExpressVPN or NordVPN services for optimal streaming quality on BBC One. These VPN services not only provide great streaming quality but also ensure your online activity is secure and private.


What is Mastermind?

Mastermind is a popular British quiz show that has been on air since 1972. The show features contestants who are quizzed on their specialist subjects and general knowledge, with the aim of becoming the nation’s Mastermind.

Why can’t I watch Mastermind Season 40 in South Africa?

BBC One, which broadcasts Mastermind, is not available in South Africa due to geo-restrictions imposed by content licensing agreements. These agreements often limit the broadcasting of content to specific regions.

How can I watch Mastermind Season 40 in South Africa?

You can watch Mastermind Season 40 in South Africa by using a VPN service. This allows you to bypass geo-restrictions and access BBC One from anywhere in the world.

Which VPN services do you recommend for watching Mastermind Season 40?

We recommend ExpressVPN and NordVPN as they provide excellent streaming quality for BBC One. Both VPNs offer fast connection speeds, robust security features, and extensive server networks including servers in the UK which are necessary to unblock BBC One’s content.

When was Mastermind Season 40 first aired?

Mastermind Season 40 first aired on August 9, 2013.

Who are the main cast members of Mastermind Season 40?

The main cast members for this season include John Humphrys as the host, who has hosted over 544 episodes of Mastermind. Other notable figures include Magnus Magnusson and Clive Myrie.

How many episodes does Mastermind Season 40 have?

Mastermind Season 40 consists of an impressive lineup of 31 riveting episodes.

What is the premise of Mastermind?

The premise of “Mastermind” is deceptively simple yet profoundly engaging. Under the stern gaze of the host and against the ticking clock, contenders face a barrage of questions – first on their chosen specialist subject and then on general knowledge. Subjects range from historical figures to popular culture topics.

Who are some of the hosts of Mastermind?

In recent years, John Humphrys took over as host after Magnus Magnusson’s long-standing tenure at the helm. More recently still, Clive Myrie stepped into Humphrys’ shoes – each host adding their unique flair to this time-honoured tradition.

How has Mastermind been received by viewers?

With an average vote of 5.3 and a loyal fanbase, it’s safe to say that Mastermind has carved a niche for itself in the world of television quiz shows. It’s a show that demands respect – both from its contenders and its viewers!