Mastermind, a legendary British quiz show that has been gracing our screens since 1972, is back with its riveting 39th season. This intellectual battlefield is hosted by the renowned journalist John Humphrys, who brings his unique charm and wit to the show. The contestants are put through a rigorous test of their specialist subject and general knowledge, making for some truly gripping television. Unfortunately for Canadian fans, BBC One isn’t readily available due to geographical restrictions. But don’t worry! We have a solution for you.

In this article, we’ll guide you through how to watch Mastermind Season 39 in Canada on BBC One using a VPN service. Plus, we’ll provide an overview of the season’s episodes and introduce you to the main cast members without spoiling any major plot points. So buckle up and get ready for an exciting journey into the world of Mastermind!

Quick Steps on How to Watch Mastermind Season 39 in Canada on BBC One

  1. Sign up for a reliable VPN service such as ExpressVPN or NordVPN.
  2. Download and install your chosen VPN application on your device.
  3. Select a server located in the UK from your VPN app.
  4. Visit the BBC iPlayer website or app and sign up/log in.
  5. You’re all set! Enjoy watching Mastermind Season 39 from anywhere in Canada!

Why is BBC One not available in Canada?

BBC One is not available outside of the UK due to licensing agreements and copyright laws that restrict its content geographically. These restrictions are put into place because broadcasters pay substantial amounts for exclusive rights to show certain programs within specific regions only. However, with the use of a VPN, you can bypass these geographical restrictions and enjoy your favorite shows like Mastermind from anywhere in the world.

What is the Mastermind Season 39 Release Date?

The 39th season of Mastermind first aired on August 10, 2012. This season consists of a total of 31 episodes, each one more thrilling than the last. The grand finale was broadcasted on April 5, 2013.

Mastermind Cast

The primary host for this season is John Humphrys, a seasoned journalist known for his hard-hitting interview style. He has hosted over half of all Mastermind episodes to date! Magnus Magnusson and Clive Myrie have also had their fair share behind the host’s desk in previous seasons.

How many episodes of Mastermind Season 39 are there?

Season 39 comprises an impressive line-up of 31 intellectually stimulating episodes. Each episode features four contenders battling it out over their specialist subjects and general knowledge. Subjects range from historical figures like Elizabeth I and Anne Boleyn to pop culture icons such as Duran Duran and Doctor Who.

The Best VPN for streaming Mastermind Season 39 in Canada on BBC One

We recommend ExpressVPN or NordVPN for streaming Mastermind Season 39 in Canada on BBC One. Both offer high-speed connections perfect for uninterrupted streaming, robust security features to protect your data, and extensive server networks that include multiple servers in the UK. With either VPN service, you’ll be able to watch your favorite quiz show without any hiccups!

Now that you know how to watch Mastermind Season 39 in Canada on BBC One, it’s time to get your thinking cap on and join the intellectual battle. Happy viewing!

The Show

The show’s premise is simple yet highly engaging: contenders are questioned on their specialist subject and general knowledge. The genius minds behind this edifying spectacle are none other than John Humphrys, Magnus Magnusson, and Clive Myrie, who have hosted over 1,000 episodes combined! They’ve each brought their unique flair to the show over its incredible run of 46 seasons. Whether you’re from England or anywhere else in the world, you’ll find yourself immersed in Mastermind’s riveting English-language trivia.

This epic journey of knowledge began on September 11th, 1972 and concluded its latest season on October 2nd, 2023. Over these five decades, it has amassed an impressive collection of more than a thousand episodes!

The last episode was nothing short of a grand finale with six contenders battling it out to become the nation’s Mastermind. Their subjects ranged from UK chart music of the ’70s to Shakespeare’s War of the Roses and even included topics as diverse as Abraham Lincoln and The Roman Empire from AD 284-476.

Now let’s talk about some key figures in this great saga. The hosts have truly been pillars holding up this institution with John Humphrys leading with a staggering count of hosting over half – precisely 544 – episodes! He was followed by Magnus Magnusson who held court for nearly another half at 449 episodes while Clive Myrie wrapped up with a respectable stint hosting 62 episodes.

While the show has had its fair share of ups and downs over its long run, it continues to be a beloved classic. With an average vote of 5.3 from viewers, Mastermind may not be universally acclaimed but has certainly carved out a niche for itself in the world of quiz shows.

For our Canadian audience eagerly waiting to catch this intellectual rollercoaster ride, we’ve got you covered! ExpressVPN and NordVPN offer excellent streaming quality for BBC One – the channel broadcasting Mastermind. Both VPN services provide a fast and secure connection which is essential for uninterrupted streaming. So grab your popcorn, get comfortable in your armchair, connect your VPN to a UK server, and prepare yourself for an exhilarating journey into the world of knowledge with Mastermind!

To conclude, ‘Mastermind’ stands as an enduring testament to the power of knowledge and quick wit. Its iconic format has been replicated around the world but there’s nothing quite like watching those nervous contenders take on that ominous black chair under the unyielding spotlight. So whether you’re a trivia buff or just love good television, ‘Mastermind’ is one show that should definitely be on your watchlist!


What is Mastermind?

Mastermind is a legendary British quiz show that has been on air since 1972. The show tests the contestants’ knowledge on their specialist subject and general knowledge, making it an intellectual battlefield. It’s hosted by renowned journalist John Humphrys.

Why can’t I watch Mastermind Season 39 in Canada?

BBC One, which broadcasts Mastermind, isn’t readily available outside of the UK due to licensing agreements and copyright laws that restrict its content geographically. Broadcasters pay substantial amounts for exclusive rights to show certain programs within specific regions only.

How can I watch Mastermind Season 39 in Canada?

You can watch Mastermind Season 39 in Canada using a VPN service like ExpressVPN or NordVPN. By selecting a server located in the UK from your VPN app, you can bypass geographical restrictions and access BBC iPlayer to watch the show.

Who are the hosts of Mastermind?

The primary host for season 39 is John Humphrys, a seasoned journalist known for his hard-hitting interview style. Magnus Magnusson and Clive Myrie have also had their fair share behind the host’s desk in previous seasons.

How many episodes are there in Mastermind Season 39?

Season 39 comprises an impressive line-up of 31 intellectually stimulating episodes. Each episode features four contenders battling it out over their specialist subjects and general knowledge.

When was Mastermind Season 39 released?

The 39th season of Mastermind first aired on August 10, 2012, with the grand finale broadcasted on April 5, 2013.

Which VPN services do you recommend for streaming Mastermind Season 39 in Canada?

We recommend ExpressVPN or NordVPN for streaming Mastermind Season 39 in Canada on BBC One. Both offer high-speed connections perfect for uninterrupted streaming, robust security features to protect your data, and extensive server networks that include multiple servers in the UK.

What is the premise of the show Mastermind?

The show’s premise is simple yet highly engaging: contenders are questioned on their specialist subject and general knowledge. The genius minds behind this edifying spectacle are none other than John Humphrys, Magnus Magnusson, and Clive Myrie, who have hosted over 1,000 episodes combined!

How long has Mastermind been running?

This epic journey of knowledge began on September 11th, 1972 and concluded its latest season on October 2nd, 2023. Over these five decades, it has amassed an impressive collection of more than a thousand episodes!

What kind of subjects do contenders choose in Mastermind?

The subjects chosen by contenders range from historical figures like Elizabeth I and Anne Boleyn to pop culture icons such as Duran Duran and Doctor Who. They can also include diverse topics like UK chart music of the ’70s to Shakespeare’s War of the Roses or even Abraham Lincoln and The Roman Empire from AD 284-476.