Mastermind, the quintessential British quiz show that has been a staple of BBC One since its inception in 1972, is back with its 38th season. Hosted by the formidable John Humphrys, the show continues to test contestants’ knowledge on their chosen specialist subject and general knowledge. The suspenseful atmosphere, the iconic black chair, and Humphrys’ incisive questioning make Mastermind a must-watch for trivia enthusiasts.

The latest season promises an exciting line-up of topics ranging from historical events like the Russian Revolution and French Revolution to pop culture phenomena like Led Zeppelin and Neil Gaiman’s Sandman graphic novels. Unfortunately for fans in India, BBC One isn’t readily available due to geographical restrictions. But fret not! We’ve got you covered with a step-by-step guide on how you can enjoy this intellectual feast right from your home in India.

Quick Steps on How to Watch Mastermind Season 38 in India on BBC One

  1. Download and install a reliable VPN service like ExpressVPN or NordVPN.
  2. Select a server located in the UK.
  3. Visit the official BBC iPlayer website or app.
  4. Create an account if you don’t have one already (use a UK postal code).
  5. Login into your account and search for ‘Mastermind’.
  6. Select Season 38 and start streaming!

Why is BBC One not available in India?

BBC One is geographically restricted to viewers within the United Kingdom due to licensing agreements. These agreements often limit where content can be broadcasted based on commercial considerations or copyright laws. As such, viewers outside of these regions are unable to access the content.

However, technology has found a way around these restrictions. By using a Virtual Private Network (VPN), viewers can mask their actual location and appear as though they are browsing from within the permitted region. This allows fans worldwide to enjoy their favorite shows like Mastermind without any geographical barriers.

What is the Mastermind Season 38 Release Date?

The 38th season of Mastermind aired on November 4, 2011, on BBC One. With a total of 31 episodes, this season promises to be an intellectual roller coaster ride for all trivia enthusiasts!

Mastermind Cast

The show’s host John Humphrys is an integral part of Mastermind’s charm. Known for his incisive questioning and stern demeanor, Humphrys has hosted over 544 episodes since he took over in 2003. Magnus Magnusson was the original host who presided over the black chair for nearly 449 episodes before passing on the baton to Humphrys.

How many episodes of Mastermind Season 38 are there?

Season 38 comprises a total of 31 riveting episodes. Each episode features four contenders battling it out on their chosen specialist subject and general knowledge. The topics range widely from historical events like ‘The Siege of Malta’ and ‘The Scottish Enlightenment’ to pop culture phenomena like ‘Led Zeppelin’ and ‘The West Wing’. The season culminates with six contenders vying for the title in the Grand Final.

The Best VPN for streaming Mastermind Season 38 in India on BBC One

We recommend ExpressVPN or NordVPN for seamless streaming experience. Both VPNs offer high-speed servers in the UK which ensure uninterrupted streaming quality while watching your favourite quiz show, Mastermind, on BBC One. These VPNs also offer robust security features to protect your online privacy.

The Show

The premise of “Mastermind” is deceptively simple yet utterly enthralling: contenders sit in the iconic black chair under a spotlight and answer questions based on their chosen specialist subject and general knowledge. The show’s format has remained largely unchanged over its half-century run, testament to its enduring appeal.

Hosted by the sharp-witted John Humphrys for over 500 episodes, and more recently by Clive Myrie, Mastermind’s hosts have become synonymous with the show itself. Not forgetting Magnus Magnusson who graced the show in earlier years. Their stern but fair demeanor adds gravitas to the already high-stakes competition.

While English is predominantly spoken throughout this UK-originated spectacle, it’s not just about linguistics; it’s about knowledge across a wide range of subjects – from historical events like ‘The Russian Revolution’ or ‘The siege of Malta’, to pop culture phenomena like Led Zeppelin or Fleetwood Mac – there’s something for everyone!

Let’s take a peek at the last episode aired on October 2nd, 2023. Aptly named “Grand Final”, this episode featured six contenders battling it out over topics as diverse as ‘the life and works of JMW Turner’, ‘alchemy’, ‘the life and music of Tom Lehrer’, ‘whales, dolphins and porpoises’ and even ‘the history of Azerbaijan’. Talk about variety!

The reception among viewers has been mixed over time with an average vote of 5.3 from nine counts, but the sheer longevity of Mastermind is a testament to its unique appeal and enduring legacy.

For our audience in India eager to catch this brain-teasing spectacle, we recommend using ExpressVPN or NordVPN for high-quality streaming on BBC One. These VPN services provide excellent bandwidth and ensure you can enjoy “Mastermind” without any hiccups.


What is Mastermind?

Mastermind is a British quiz show that has been airing on BBC One since 1972. The show tests contestants’ knowledge on their chosen specialist subject and general knowledge. It’s known for its suspenseful atmosphere, the iconic black chair, and incisive questioning by the host.

Who hosts Mastermind?

The show’s host John Humphrys is an integral part of Mastermind’s charm. Known for his incisive questioning and stern demeanor, Humphrys has hosted over 544 episodes since he took over in 2003. Magnus Magnusson was the original host who presided over the black chair for nearly 449 episodes before passing on the baton to Humphrys.

Why can’t I watch BBC One in India?

BBC One is geographically restricted to viewers within the United Kingdom due to licensing agreements. These agreements often limit where content can be broadcasted based on commercial considerations or copyright laws.

How can I watch Mastermind Season 38 in India?

You can watch Mastermind Season 38 in India by using a reliable VPN service like ExpressVPN or NordVPN. By selecting a server located in the UK, you can visit the official BBC iPlayer website or app, create an account (using a UK postal code), log into your account and search for ‘Mastermind’. Then select Season 38 and start streaming!

When did Mastermind Season 38 air?

The 38th season of Mastermind aired on November 4, 2011, on BBC One.

How many episodes are there in Mastermind Season 38?

Season 38 comprises a total of 31 riveting episodes. Each episode features four contenders battling it out on their chosen specialist subject and general knowledge.

What are some of the topics covered in Mastermind Season 38?

The topics range widely from historical events like ‘The Siege of Malta’ and ‘The Scottish Enlightenment’ to pop culture phenomena like ‘Led Zeppelin’ and ‘The West Wing’.

Which VPN is best for streaming Mastermind Season 38 in India on BBC One?

We recommend ExpressVPN or NordVPN for a seamless streaming experience. Both VPNs offer high-speed servers in the UK which ensure uninterrupted streaming quality while watching your favourite quiz show, Mastermind, on BBC One. These VPNs also offer robust security features to protect your online privacy.

What is the premise of “Mastermind”?

The premise of “Mastermind” is deceptively simple yet utterly enthralling: contenders sit in the iconic black chair under a spotlight and answer questions based on their chosen specialist subject and general knowledge. The show’s format has remained largely unchanged over its half-century run, testament to its enduring appeal.

What was the last episode aired?

The last episode aired on October 2nd, 2023. Aptly named “Grand Final”, this episode featured six contenders battling it out over topics as diverse as ‘the life and works of JMW Turner’, ‘alchemy’, ‘the life and music of Tom Lehrer’, ‘whales, dolphins and porpoises’ and even ‘the history of Azerbaijan’.