Get ready, trivia enthusiasts! The long-standing British quiz show, “Mastermind,” is back with its 37th season. Hosted by the iconic John Humphrys, this intellectual battleground has been a staple of British television since its inception in 1972. Known for its distinctive format where contestants answer questions first on their chosen specialist subject and then on general knowledge, the show has captivated audiences for decades.

The latest season promises an exciting mix of topics ranging from the Tudor monarchy to the life and career of Lance Armstrong. Unfortunately, for fans based in the United States, watching “Mastermind” can be a bit tricky due to geographical restrictions on BBC One. But don’t worry! We have you covered with a step-by-step guide to bypass these restrictions using a VPN.

Quick Steps on How to Watch Mastermind Season 37 in The US on BBC One

  1. Choose a reliable VPN service like ExpressVPN or NordVPN.
  2. Download and install your chosen VPN software onto your device.
  3. Select a server located within the UK.
  4. Visit the BBC iPlayer website or app and sign up/log in.
  5. Navigate to Mastermind Season 37 and start streaming!

Why is BBC One not available in The US?

BBC One is typically not available outside of the UK due to licensing agreements. These agreements often restrict content distribution to specific regions only. While it’s unfortunate for international fans who want to keep up with their favorite shows like “Mastermind,” there are ways around these restrictions – namely through using a Virtual Private Network (VPN).

“Mastermind” Season 37 Release Date

Season 37 of “Mastermind” first aired on August 20, 2010. With a total of 31 riveting episodes, the season concluded with a grand finale on April 15, 2011.

“Mastermind” Cast

The star of the show is undoubtedly John Humphrys, who has hosted over half of the series’ episodes. Known for his sharp wit and stern demeanor, Humphrys has become synonymous with “Mastermind.” Other notable hosts include Magnus Magnusson and Clive Myrie.

How many episodes of “Mastermind” Season 37 are there?

Season 37 boasts an impressive lineup of 31 episodes. Each episode features a new set of contestants battling it out in their quest to become the nation’s Mastermind. From history buffs answering questions about Napoleon’s marshals to pop culture enthusiasts quizzed on TV series like “To the Manor Born,” each episode offers something unique for viewers.

The Best VPN for streaming “Mastermind” Season 37 in The US on BBC One

We recommend ExpressVPN and NordVPN as reliable services that provide excellent streaming quality for BBC One. Both VPNs offer high-speed connections and robust security features ensuring you can stream your favorite shows without interruptions or privacy concerns.

The Show

“Mastermind” is all about intellectual prowess, as contestants vie for the title of Britain’s top brainiac. Hosted by John Humphrys, Magnus Magnusson, and Clive Myrie over the years, each episode features four contestants who take turns in the iconic black chair to answer questions on their chosen specialist subject and then general knowledge. The objective? To become the nation’s Mastermind!

The show has seen an array of fascinating specialist topics over its lengthy run – from the history of Alcatraz to the life and works of Charles M Schulz; from UK Prog Rock 1968-1978 to Finnish Winter War! And let’s not forget about those nerve-wracking general knowledge rounds. These diverse subjects have led to some thrilling moments in television history, including nail-biting tie-breakers and astonishing comebacks.

In terms of critical reception, “Mastermind” holds a modest average vote of 5.3 but don’t let that deter you! This quintessentially British TV staple has earned itself a loyal fan base over its decades-long run.

Now onto some juicy details from one particularly memorable episode: Season number 37’s grand finale aired on April 15th, 2011. Six contenders battled it out on subjects like William Wilberforce, David Byrne’s career, paintings in the National Gallery, and even comedian Frankie Howerd’s life! As always, Humphrys kept everyone on their toes with his quick-fire questioning.

For our American audience who are now eager to dive into the world of “Mastermind”, we recommend using ExpressVPN or NordVPN. Both services provide excellent streaming quality for BBC One, where “Mastermind” airs. These VPNs not only ensure seamless streaming but also help bypass any regional restrictions, ensuring that you can enjoy this British gem right from the comfort of your home.


What is “Mastermind”?

“Mastermind” is a popular British quiz show that has been airing since 1972. The show features contestants who answer questions first on their chosen specialist subject and then on general knowledge, aiming to become the nation’s Mastermind.

Who hosts “Mastermind”?

The iconic John Humphrys has hosted over half of the series’ episodes. Other notable hosts include Magnus Magnusson and Clive Myrie.

How can I watch “Mastermind” Season 37 in the US?

You can watch “Mastermind” Season 37 in the US by using a VPN service like ExpressVPN or NordVPN. After installing your chosen VPN software, select a server located within the UK, visit the BBC iPlayer website or app, sign up/log in, navigate to Mastermind Season 37 and start streaming!

Why isn’t BBC One available in the US?

BBC One is typically not available outside of the UK due to licensing agreements which restrict content distribution to specific regions only. However, these restrictions can be bypassed using a Virtual Private Network (VPN).

When was “Mastermind” Season 37 released?

Season 37 of “Mastermind” first aired on August 20, 2010 and concluded with a grand finale on April 15, 2011.

How many episodes are there in “Mastermind” Season 37?

“Mastermind” Season 37 consists of an impressive lineup of 31 episodes.

Which VPN should I use for streaming “Mastermind” Season 37 in The US on BBC One?

We recommend ExpressVPN and NordVPN as reliable services that provide excellent streaming quality for BBC One. Both VPNs offer high-speed connections and robust security features ensuring you can stream your favorite shows without interruptions or privacy concerns.

What is the format of “Mastermind”?

In each episode of “Mastermind”, four contestants take turns in the iconic black chair to answer questions on their chosen specialist subject and then general knowledge. The objective is to become the nation’s Mastermind!

What are some examples of specialist subjects on “Mastermind”?

The show has seen an array of fascinating specialist topics over its lengthy run – from the history of Alcatraz to the life and works of Charles M Schulz; from UK Prog Rock 1968-1978 to Finnish Winter War! Each contestant chooses a unique topic, leading to a diverse range of subjects covered in each episode.