Mastermind, a British television game show, has been a staple of the BBC One lineup since its inception in 1972. The show is known for its iconic black chair and challenging quiz format that tests contestants’ knowledge on a wide range of topics. In the 33rd season, which aired in 2006, host John Humphrys grilled contenders on subjects as diverse as the history of US submarines, Anne McCaffrey’s Dragonriders of Pern book series, and American jazz. Unfortunately for fans Down Under, BBC One isn’t readily available in Australia – but don’t worry! We’re here to guide you through the steps to access this beloved show from Aussie shores.

Quick Steps on How to Watch Mastermind Season 33 in Australia on BBC One

  1. Choose a VPN service provider such as ExpressVPN or NordVPN.
  2. Download and install your chosen VPN application on your device.
  3. Select a server located in the UK from your VPN app.
  4. Visit the BBC iPlayer website or app and sign up/log in.
  5. Navigate to Mastermind Season 33 and start streaming!

Why is BBC One not available in Australia?

BBC One isn’t available outside of the UK due to geo-restrictions imposed by content licensing agreements. These restrictions are put into place because rights holders often sell broadcasting rights separately for different regions. However, with the use of a Virtual Private Network (VPN), you can bypass these restrictions by masking your IP address and making it appear as though you’re accessing content from within an allowed region – like the UK!

The Mastermind Season 33 Release Date

Mastermind Season 33 first aired on March 30, 2006. The season consisted of a whopping 31 episodes, with the grand finale airing on November 13, 2006.

Mastermind Cast

The primary host for Mastermind Season 33 was John Humphrys, who brought his own unique style to the show. Humphrys has hosted over half of the series’ episodes to date. Prior to Humphrys taking over hosting duties in 2003, Magnus Magnusson served as the original quizmaster for many years. Clive Myrie is another notable figure in the show’s history and has hosted several episodes as well.

How many episodes of Mastermind Season 33 are there?

Season 33 of Mastermind consists of an impressive total of 31 episodes. Each episode features a new set of contestants tackling their chosen specialist subjects and general knowledge questions while seated in the infamous black chair.

The Best VPN for streaming Mastermind Season 33 in Australia on BBC One

We recommend ExpressVPN and NordVPN for streaming Mastermind Season 33 in Australia on BBC One. Both VPNs offer excellent streaming quality and have servers located in the UK that can bypass geo-restrictions imposed by BBC iPlayer.

The Show

The premise of “Mastermind” is simple but electrifying. The black chair awaits its contenders who will be grilled on an eclectic mix of specialist subjects ranging from history, literature, music to cinema. With each episode bringing forth new subjects and fresh contenders, there’s never a dull moment in this intellectual battleground!

Over the years, “Mastermind” has seen an impressive run with 46 seasons and over 1085 episodes under its belt. It’s not just about quantity but quality too – every season offers gripping episodes that keep you at the edge of your seat till the last second. For instance, in Season 33 aired in 2006, we had episodes featuring varied topics like US submarines’ history to Anne McCaffrey’s Dragonriders of Pern book series!

The show is helmed by accomplished hosts who have become synonymous with “Mastermind.” John Humphrys is well-known as the demanding yet engaging quizmaster who graced more than half of all Mastermind episodes. Other notable hosts include Magnus Magnusson and Clive Myrie whose charismatic presence adds another layer to this gripping quiz showdown.

With an average vote count of 5.3 based on nine votes, it’s evident that while “Mastermind” might not be everyone’s cup of tea due to its highbrow content; it certainly enjoys a dedicated viewer base who appreciates its unique concept.

If you’re located in Australia and want to catch this stimulating show, we recommend using ExpressVPN or NordVPN. These VPN services offer excellent streaming quality and can help you access BBC One with ease. So, whether you’re a trivia buff or a casual viewer looking for some intellectual stimulation, “Mastermind” is sure to deliver!

As the last episode aired on October 2, 2023, it’s safe to say that “Mastermind” has left an indelible mark on television history. With its eclectic mix of subjects and the relentless black chair adding an element of thrill, this show truly celebrates knowledge and intellectual prowess in its own unique way.

So gear up for a quiz ride like no other – immerse yourself in the world of “Mastermind,” where knowledge reigns supreme!


What is Mastermind?

Mastermind is a British television game show that has been a staple of the BBC One lineup since 1972. The show tests contestants’ knowledge on a wide range of topics and is known for its iconic black chair and challenging quiz format.

Why can’t I watch Mastermind Season 33 in Australia on BBC One?

BBC One isn’t available outside of the UK due to geo-restrictions imposed by content licensing agreements. These restrictions are put into place because rights holders often sell broadcasting rights separately for different regions.

How can I watch Mastermind Season 33 in Australia?

You can use a VPN service provider such as ExpressVPN or NordVPN to bypass these geo-restrictions. By selecting a server located in the UK from your VPN app, you can access the BBC iPlayer website or app and stream Mastermind Season 33.

Who hosted Mastermind Season 33?

The primary host for Mastermind Season 33 was John Humphrys, who brought his own unique style to the show. Other notable hosts include Magnus Magnusson and Clive Myrie.

How many episodes are there in Mastermind Season 33?

Season 33 of Mastermind consists of an impressive total of 31 episodes. Each episode features new contestants tackling their chosen specialist subjects and general knowledge questions while seated in the infamous black chair.

What are some recommended VPNs for streaming Mastermind Season 33 in Australia on BBC One?

We recommend ExpressVPN and NordVPN for streaming Mastermind Season 33 in Australia on BBC One. Both VPNs offer excellent streaming quality and have servers located in the UK that can bypass geo-restrictions imposed by BBC iPlayer.

What is the premise of Mastermind?

The premise of “Mastermind” is simple but electrifying. The black chair awaits its contenders who will be grilled on an eclectic mix of specialist subjects ranging from history, literature, music to cinema. With each episode bringing forth new subjects and fresh contenders, there’s never a dull moment in this intellectual battleground!

How many seasons and episodes does Mastermind have?

Over the years, “Mastermind” has seen an impressive run with 46 seasons and over 1085 episodes under its belt.

When did the last episode of Mastermind air?

The last episode aired on October 2, 2023.