Mastermind, a classic British television show that has been challenging contestants since its inception in 1972, is back with its riveting 13th season. This iconic series, hosted by the charismatic John Humphrys and later by Clive Myrie, has become a staple of British culture and an absolute must-watch for trivia enthusiasts around the globe. The show’s format involves contestants answering questions on their chosen specialist subject, followed by a general knowledge round. It’s aired on BBC One and continues to captivate audiences with its blend of high-stakes competition and fascinating trivia.

The 13th season promises to be as thrilling as ever, with a diverse array of topics from Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine to American orchestral music being explored. However, if you’re located in Canada, you might find it difficult to access this beloved show due to regional restrictions. But don’t worry! We’ve got you covered with some simple steps that will allow you to enjoy Mastermind Season 13 right from your Canadian living room.

Quick Steps on How to Watch Mastermind Season 13 in Canada on BBC One

  1. Choose a VPN service such as ExpressVPN or NordVPN.
  2. Download and install the VPN application on your device.
  3. Select a server located in the UK.
  4. Visit the BBC iPlayer website or app.
  5. Create an account or log in if you already have one (you’ll need a UK postcode).
  6. Navigate to Mastermind Season 13 and start streaming!

Why is BBC One not available in Canada?

BBC One isn’t readily available outside the UK due to licensing agreements and copyright laws. These restrictions are put in place to protect the commercial value of content, ensuring that broadcasters can monetize their shows effectively within their designated regions. However, with a reliable VPN service, you can bypass these geographical limitations and access BBC One from Canada or anywhere else in the world.

What is the Mastermind Season 13 Release Date?

The first episode of Mastermind Season 13 aired on January 6th, 1985. This season consists of an exciting lineup of episodes that were released weekly thereafter.

Mastermind Cast

The show’s main host during this season was John Humphrys, who brilliantly carried forward the legacy set by Magnus Magnusson. Humphrys’ sharp wit and engaging style have made him a favorite among audiences. Clive Myrie later took over as host, bringing his unique charm and charisma to the show.

How many episodes of Mastermind Season 13 are there?

Mastermind Season 13 comprises a total of 17 thrilling episodes. Each episode introduces new contestants with diverse specialist subjects ranging from Irish history to classic French cooking. The final episode culminates in an intense battle for the coveted Caithness glass trophy.

The Best VPN for streaming Mastermind Season 13 in Canada on BBC One

We highly recommend ExpressVPN and NordVPN for streaming Mastermind Season 13 on BBC One from Canada. Both services offer high-speed connections and robust security features ensuring uninterrupted streaming and privacy protection.

The Show

The structure of Mastermind is both simple and captivating. Contestants sit in what can only be described as an interrogation chair under a harsh spotlight, answering questions fired at them by the host. This intense format has been imitated but never bettered since its inception.

The show was originally hosted by Magnus Magnusson who held court for a staggering 449 episodes! His catchphrase “I’ve started so I’ll finish” became synonymous with the series. Later hosts included John Humphrys and Clive Myrie who continued to uphold the high standards set by Magnusson.

The plotline? Four brave contestants compete against each other in two rounds – one focused on their chosen specialist subject and another on general knowledge. The contestant with the highest score at the end wins – it’s as simple as that!

In terms of numbers, Mastermind boasts an impressive tally – 46 seasons comprising a whopping total of 1085 episodes! It was broadcast primarily on BBC One and presented predominantly in English.

Let’s delve into some juicy tidbits from one memorable episode – ‘The Final’ which aired on May 5th, 1985. It marked the culmination of a season-long battle between intelligent minds vying for victory. The coveted Caithness glass trophy was finally awarded to one victorious contender by none other than Stuart Young, Chairman of BBC. Talk about high stakes!

Despite its long run, Mastermind has had a somewhat mixed reception among viewers and critics alike, earning an average vote of 5.3 based on 9 votes. However, the show’s iconic status is undeniable and it continues to be referenced in popular culture.

For our Canadian readers who want to catch up with this British classic, we recommend using ExpressVPN or NordVPN services for good streaming quality. Not only do these VPNs allow you to stream from anywhere but they also ensure a seamless viewing experience by providing fast speeds and unlimited bandwidth. So, sit back, relax and let yourself be transported into the world of Mastermind where every question could be a game-changer!

To wrap up, Mastermind is more than just a quiz show – it’s an institution that showcases the power of knowledge and the thrill of competition. Its influence can still be felt in countless quiz shows today – a testament to its enduring legacy.


What is Mastermind?

Mastermind is a classic British television quiz show that has been challenging contestants since 1972. The show’s format involves contestants answering questions on their chosen specialist subject, followed by a general knowledge round.

Who are the hosts of Mastermind?

The main host during Season 13 was John Humphrys, who brilliantly carried forward the legacy set by Magnus Magnusson. Clive Myrie later took over as host, bringing his unique charm and charisma to the show.

Why can’t I watch BBC One in Canada?

BBC One isn’t readily available outside the UK due to licensing agreements and copyright laws. These restrictions protect the commercial value of content, ensuring that broadcasters can monetize their shows effectively within their designated regions.

How can I watch Mastermind Season 13 in Canada?

You can use a VPN service such as ExpressVPN or NordVPN to bypass geographical limitations and access BBC One from Canada. After installing your chosen VPN application, select a server located in the UK, visit the BBC iPlayer website or app, create an account or log in if you already have one (you’ll need a UK postcode), navigate to Mastermind Season 13 and start streaming!

When was Mastermind Season 13 released?

The first episode of Mastermind Season 13 aired on January 6th, 1985. This season consists of an exciting lineup of episodes that were released weekly thereafter.

How many episodes are there in Mastermind Season 13?

Mastermind Season 13 comprises a total of 17 thrilling episodes. Each episode introduces new contestants with diverse specialist subjects ranging from Irish history to classic French cooking.

What is the best VPN for streaming Mastermind Season 13 in Canada on BBC One?

We highly recommend ExpressVPN and NordVPN for streaming Mastermind Season 13 on BBC One from Canada. Both services offer high-speed connections and robust security features ensuring uninterrupted streaming and privacy protection.

What is the format of the show?

The structure of Mastermind is both simple and captivating. Contestants sit in what can only be described as an interrogation chair under a harsh spotlight, answering questions fired at them by the host. Four brave contestants compete against each other in two rounds – one focused on their chosen specialist subject and another on general knowledge. The contestant with the highest score at the end wins.

How many seasons does Mastermind have?

In terms of numbers, Mastermind boasts an impressive tally – 46 seasons comprising a whopping total of 1085 episodes! It was broadcast primarily on BBC One and presented predominantly in English.

What are some memorable moments from Mastermind Season 13?

One memorable episode – ‘The Final’ which aired on May 5th, 1985 marked the culmination of a season-long battle between intelligent minds vying for victory. The coveted Caithness glass trophy was finally awarded to one victorious contender by none other than Stuart Young, Chairman of BBC.

What has been the reception to Mastermind?

Despite its long run, Mastermind has had a somewhat mixed reception among viewers and critics alike, earning an average vote of 5.3 based on 9 votes. However, the show’s iconic status is undeniable and it continues to be referenced in popular culture.

Why should I watch Mastermind?

Mastermind is more than just a quiz show – it’s an institution that showcases the power of knowledge and the thrill of competition. Its influence can still be felt in countless quiz shows today – a testament to its enduring legacy.