Mastermind, the legendary British quiz show that has been a staple of television since its first airing in 1972, is back with its riveting twelfth season. This iconic show, hosted by John Humphrys and Magnus Magnusson, is renowned for its intense atmosphere and challenging questions. The contestants face two rounds of questioning – one on their chosen specialist subject and another on general knowledge. The twelfth season aired originally in 1984, but if you’re located Down Under and have been wondering how to watch this classic season in Australia on BBC One, we’ve got you covered!

The plot of Mastermind revolves around contenders from various backgrounds who are quizzed about their chosen subjects as well as their general knowledge. From computing supervisors to schoolteachers to unemployed individuals – everyone gets an equal chance to shine under the spotlight. The intensity of the competition combined with the wide range of topics makes it a must-watch for trivia enthusiasts.

Unfortunately, due to geographical restrictions, BBC One isn’t directly accessible in Australia. But don’t worry! We have a simple solution for you: using a Virtual Private Network (VPN). Let’s dive into how you can do this.

Quick Steps on How to Watch Mastermind Season 12 in Australia on BBC One

  1. Choose a reliable VPN service such as ExpressVPN or NordVPN.
  2. Download and install your chosen VPN application onto your device.
  3. Select a server located within the UK from your VPN app.
  4. Once connected, navigate to the BBC iPlayer website or app.
  5. Create an account if necessary (it’s free) and start streaming Mastermind Season 12!

Why is BBC One not available in Australia?

BBC One, like many other streaming platforms, uses geo-blocking to restrict its content to viewers within the UK. This is primarily due to licensing agreements and copyright laws that vary from country to country. However, a VPN can help you bypass these restrictions by masking your IP address and making it appear as though you’re browsing from within the UK.

What is the Mastermind Season 12 Release Date?

The twelfth season of Mastermind originally aired on January 29th, 1984. But thanks to online streaming platforms like BBC iPlayer, you can revisit this classic season at any time!

Mastermind Cast

The main cast of Mastermind includes John Humphrys and Magnus Magnusson as hosts. Both have played significant roles in shaping the show’s identity with their unique hosting styles. The twelfth season also introduces Clive Myrie as a host.

How many episodes of Mastermind Season 12 are there?

Mastermind Season 12 consists of a total of seventeen episodes. Each episode features different contenders battling it out over various topics ranging from French history to the novels of George Orwell and even the voyages of Captain Cook.

The Best VPN for streaming Mastermind Season 12 in Australia on BBC One

We recommend ExpressVPN or NordVPN for watching Mastermind Season 12 on BBC One in Australia. Both VPNs offer high-speed connections and servers in multiple locations across the UK which makes them ideal for streaming content on BBC iPlayer without any buffering issues.

The Show

Hosted on BBC One, Mastermind takes viewers on a thrilling ride through the riveting world of trivia. The show’s format is simple yet compelling – contestants are grilled under the spotlight on their chosen specialist subjects and then tested on general knowledge. But it’s not just about knowing your facts; it’s about keeping your cool as the ominous theme tune rings out and the famous black chair awaits.

The linguistic medium of this cerebral spectacle? English – crisp, clear, and comprehensible. And who holds the reins? None other than John Humphrys and Magnus Magnusson, with recent episodes hosted by Clive Myrie. Their stern demeanor coupled with incisive questioning keeps both contestants and viewers gripped!

The curtain was last called on October 2nd, 2023 but not before Mastermind had given us a whopping 1085 episodes across 46 enthralling seasons! The last episode fittingly took place onboard HMS Hermes in Portsmouth where three women and one man battled it out for the prestigious title ‘Mastermind 1984’. The winner walked away with not just bragging rights but also an exquisite Caithness Glass trophy.

While Mastermind boasts an average vote of 5.3 based on nine votes, its true testament lies in its enduring popularity among viewers who cherish intellectual challenges.

For our friends down under wanting to catch this spectacular show from Australia, worry not! ExpressVPN comes highly recommended for streaming BBC One in top-notch quality without any geo-restrictions. NordVPN is another excellent option that guarantees seamless streaming, so you never miss out on any episode of Mastermind.

So, whether you’re a trivia enthusiast or just someone looking for an engaging watch, Mastermind promises to take you on a thrilling intellectual journey. Tune in and witness the ultimate test of knowledge under pressure!


What is Mastermind?

Mastermind is a legendary British quiz show that has been on air since 1972. The show involves contestants from various backgrounds who are quizzed about their chosen subjects as well as their general knowledge. It’s known for its intense atmosphere and challenging questions.

How can I watch Mastermind Season 12 in Australia?

You can watch Mastermind Season 12 in Australia by using a Virtual Private Network (VPN). Choose a reliable VPN service such as ExpressVPN or NordVPN, download and install the application onto your device, select a server located within the UK, navigate to the BBC iPlayer website or app, create an account if necessary and start streaming!

Why isn’t BBC One available in Australia?

BBC One uses geo-blocking to restrict its content to viewers within the UK due to licensing agreements and copyright laws that vary from country to country. However, you can bypass these restrictions using a VPN which masks your IP address and makes it appear as though you’re browsing from within the UK.

When was Mastermind Season 12 released?

The twelfth season of Mastermind originally aired on January 29th, 1984. But thanks to online streaming platforms like BBC iPlayer, you can revisit this classic season at any time!

Who are the hosts of Mastermind?

The main hosts of Mastermind are John Humphrys and Magnus Magnusson. The twelfth season also introduces Clive Myrie as a host.

How many episodes does Mastermind Season 12 have?

Mastermind Season 12 consists of seventeen episodes featuring different contenders battling it out over various topics.

Which VPN is best for streaming Mastermind Season 12 in Australia?

We recommend ExpressVPN or NordVPN for watching Mastermind Season 12 on BBC One in Australia. Both VPNs offer high-speed connections and servers in multiple locations across the UK, making them ideal for streaming content on BBC iPlayer without any buffering issues.

What is the format of the show Mastermind?

Mastermind takes viewers through a thrilling world of trivia where contestants are grilled under the spotlight on their chosen specialist subjects and then tested on general knowledge. The show’s unique format and intense atmosphere make it a must-watch for trivia enthusiasts.

How many seasons of Mastermind are there?

As of October 2nd, 2023, there have been 46 enthralling seasons of Mastermind with a total of 1085 episodes.

What is the prize for winning Mastermind?

The winner of Mastermind walks away with not just bragging rights but also an exquisite Caithness Glass trophy.

What language is used in Mastermind?

The linguistic medium of this cerebral spectacle is English – crisp, clear, and comprehensible.

Can I watch other seasons of Mastermind using a VPN?

Absolutely! Using a VPN like ExpressVPN or NordVPN allows you to bypass geographical restrictions and stream all available seasons of Mastermind from anywhere in the world.