Escape to the Country, a beloved reality show that has been gracing our screens since 2002, is back with its 24th season! This British gem, produced by Boundless and aired on BBC One, takes us through an enchanting journey of rural house hunting across the United Kingdom. With each episode focusing on a different region, it showcases the idyllic countryside living that Britain has to offer. The main presenters – Jules Hudson, Alistair Appleton, Nicki Chapman among others – guide prospective buyers through their dream property hunt while exploring local culture and history.

This season promises more breathtaking landscapes, charming properties and heartwarming stories of people seeking a quieter life away from urban hustle. From Moray in Scotland to Pembrokeshire in Wales; Northumbria in England’s northeast to Somerset and Gloucestershire in the southwest; viewers are set for another delightful tour of Britain’s picturesque countryside. However, if you’re based in South Africa and wondering how you can catch this new season on BBC One – we’ve got you covered!

Quick Steps on How to Watch Escape to the Country Season 24 in South Africa on BBC One

  1. Choose a VPN service provider such as ExpressVPN or NordVPN.
  2. Download and install your chosen VPN application onto your device.
  3. Select a server located within the UK.
  4. Once connected, navigate to BBC iPlayer website or app.
  5. Create an account or log into your existing one.
  6. You’re all set! Enjoy watching Escape to the Country Season 24!

Why is BBC One not available in South Africa?

BBC One, like many other streaming services, has geo-restrictions in place due to licensing agreements. This means that some content is only available to viewers within the UK. However, by using a VPN (Virtual Private Network), you can bypass these restrictions and access BBC One from anywhere in the world, including South Africa.

What is the Escape to the Country Season 24 Release Date?

The much-anticipated Season 24 of Escape to the Country premiered on August 29, 2023. With new episodes airing weekly, viewers are guaranteed a regular dose of rural bliss.

Escape to the Country Cast

The show boasts an array of presenters who bring their unique charm and expertise to each episode. The main cast includes Jules Hudson, Alistair Appleton, Nicki Chapman, Jonnie Irwin and Catherine Gee among others. Each presenter brings their own flair and personality to the show making it all more engaging for viewers.

How many episodes of Escape to the Country Season 24 are there?

Season 24 features nine captivating episodes with each focusing on a different region across Britain. From Moray in Scotland (“Episode 1”) where Jules Hudson helps a couple find their dream property; Pembrokeshire (“Episode 2”) where Nicki Chapman assists a couple with very different wants; Northumbria (“Episode 3”) where Denise Nurse aids a couple tired of long trips; Somerset and Gloucestershire (“Episode 4”) where Alistair Appleton guides returning expats; North Yorkshire (“Episode 5”), Norfolk (“Episode 6”), East Midlands (“Episode7”), Caithness in Scotland(“Episode8”) and finally Yorkshire(“Episode9”).

The Best VPN for streaming Escape to the Country Season 24 in South Africa on BBC One

We recommend ExpressVPN and NordVPN for streaming Escape to the Country Season 24 in South Africa. Both VPNs offer high-speed connections, robust security features, and a large number of servers in the UK. This ensures that you can watch your favorite show without any buffering or lagging issues.

The Show

First aired on October 14, 2002, “Escape to the Country” has been a comforting fixture on BBC One for over two decades. With an impressive 24 seasons and a whopping 1113 episodes under its belt by September 2023, this series has carved out a special place in our hearts and continues to draw audiences who are eager for an idyllic break from city life.

The premise of this feel-good show is as simple as it is compelling: individuals or couples with dreams of swapping city bustle for country calm are helped in their quest by a warm-hearted team of presenters. With budgets ranging from modest to extravagant, each episode takes viewers on a house-hunting adventure across some of Britain’s most beautiful rural locations.

The recent season saw Jules Hudson, Alistair Appleton, Nicki Chapman and Denise Nurse among others guiding hopeful homeowners through their countryside quests. Their friendly demeanor and insightful knowledge about property and local culture make each episode both informative and thoroughly enjoyable.

In one memorable episode titled “Moray”, Jules Hudson assists a couple hoping that their £400k budget will secure them their dream home in Moray in Scotland. Another episode titled “Yorkshire” sees Steve Brown aiding a London couple seeking solace in Yorkshire’s serene lifestyle within their budget of £425k.

Despite its long run-time, the show maintains an average vote score of 5 – demonstrating that it continues to charm viewers with its appealing blend of stunning scenery, beautiful homes, and heartwarming stories of people chasing their rural dreams.

For our South African audience, you needn’t miss out on this British gem. With ExpressVPN or NordVPN, you can easily access BBC One and immerse yourself in the calming reality that is “Escape to the Country”. Both VPNs offer great streaming quality ensuring that your journey through Britain’s countryside is as smooth as it can be.

In a world filled with fast-paced drama and intense competition, “Escape to the Country” provides a refreshing change of pace. It’s not just about finding a new home; it’s about discovering a new way of life – one that embraces tranquillity, simplicity, and natural beauty. So why wait? Escape into the country today!


What is the TV show “Escape to the Country” about?

“Escape to the Country” is a British reality show that takes viewers on a journey of rural house hunting across different regions of the United Kingdom. The presenters guide prospective buyers through their dream property hunt while exploring local culture and history.

How can I watch “Escape to the Country” Season 24 in South Africa?

You can watch “Escape to the Country” Season 24 in South Africa by using a VPN service like ExpressVPN or NordVPN. After installing your chosen VPN, select a server located within the UK, navigate to BBC iPlayer website or app, create an account or log into your existing one and you’re all set!

Why isn’t BBC One available in South Africa?

BBC One has geo-restrictions due to licensing agreements which means some content is only available to viewers within the UK. However, these restrictions can be bypassed using a VPN (Virtual Private Network), allowing access from anywhere in the world.

When was “Escape to the Country” Season 24 released?

The much-anticipated Season 24 of “Escape to the Country” premiered on August 29, 2023 with new episodes airing weekly.

Who are some of the main cast members of “Escape to the Country”?

The main cast includes Jules Hudson, Alistair Appleton, Nicki Chapman, Jonnie Irwin and Catherine Gee among others. Each presenter brings their own flair and personality making each episode engaging for viewers.

How many episodes are there in “Escape to the Country” Season 24?

Season 24 features nine captivating episodes with each focusing on a different region across Britain.

Which VPN is recommended for streaming “Escape to the Country” Season 24 in South Africa?

We recommend ExpressVPN and NordVPN for streaming “Escape to the Country” Season 24 in South Africa. Both offer high-speed connections, robust security features, and a large number of servers in the UK.

When did “Escape to the Country” first air?

“Escape to the Country” first aired on October 14, 2002 and has been a comforting fixture on BBC One for over two decades.

What is the premise of “Escape to the Country”?

The show helps individuals or couples with dreams of swapping city bustle for country calm in their quest by a warm-hearted team of presenters. Each episode takes viewers on a house-hunting adventure across some of Britain’s most beautiful rural locations.

What kind of properties are featured in “Escape to the Country”?

The properties featured range from modest homes to extravagant estates, all located in some of Britain’s most beautiful rural locations. The budgets vary depending upon individual or couple’s financial capacity.