Escape to the Country, a beloved British reality TV show, has been captivating audiences since its first air date in 2002. This engaging series follows various individuals and families as they make the exciting decision to leave their urban lifestyles behind and embrace the tranquility of rural living. With the help of a team of charismatic presenters, including Jules Hudson, Alistair Appleton, Nicki Chapman, Jonnie Irwin and more, participants explore beautiful countryside homes across Great Britain that could become their new dream home.

In season 21, which aired from September 2020 through May 2021, viewers are taken on a journey through some of Britain’s most stunning rural landscapes – from Dorset’s idyllic coastal villages to Scotland’s serene Dumfries & Galloway. Each episode is filled with breathtaking scenery and charming properties that will make you yearn for your own escape to the country.

The show airs on BBC One in Great Britain but what if you’re based in the US? Don’t worry! We’ve got you covered. Read on for a step-by-step guide on how you can enjoy this delightful show right from your American living room.

Quick Steps on How to Watch Escape to the Country Season 21 in The US on BBC One

  1. Choose a VPN service provider (we recommend ExpressVPN or NordVPN).
  2. Download and install your chosen VPN application onto your device.
  3. Select a server located within the UK.
  4. Visit BBC iPlayer website or app and sign up/log in.
  5. Navigate over to Escape to the Country Season 21 and start streaming!

Why is BBC One not available in The US?

BBC One is a British television network, and its content is primarily intended for viewers within the UK. This means that due to licensing and copyright agreements, the channel isn’t readily available to viewers outside of this region. However, by using a VPN (Virtual Private Network), you can bypass these geographical restrictions and enjoy your favorite BBC shows from anywhere in the world.

What is the Escape to the Country Season 21 Release Date?

The first episode of Escape to the Country Season 21 aired on September 7th, 2020. With a total of 53 episodes, this season takes viewers on an exciting journey across various idyllic locations in Great Britain.

Escape to the Country Cast

The main cast members of Escape to the Country include Jules Hudson, Alistair Appleton, Nicki Chapman, Jonnie Irwin and more. Each presenter brings their unique charm and knowledge of rural living to guide participants through their property search.

How many episodes of Escape to the Country Season 21 are there?

Season 21 boasts a total of 53 episodes. Each episode focuses on a different location within Great Britain – from Dorset’s coastal villages to Scotland’s serene Dumfries & Galloway – offering viewers an immersive experience into rural living.

The Best VPN for streaming Escape to the Country Season 21 in The US on BBC One

We recommend ExpressVPN or NordVPN for streaming Escape to the Country Season 21 in The US on BBC One. Both services offer high-speed connections which ensure smooth streaming with minimal buffering. They also provide robust security features including end-to-end encryption and no-logs policies which protect your privacy online.

The Show

The premise is simple yet captivating. The show follows prospective buyers looking to swap their urban dwellings for tranquil country homes across Britain. Each episode introduces us to new house hunters guided by a charismatic team of presenters who are experts in unearthing the most charming rural properties. From stunning cottages nestled amidst lush landscapes to grand manors with historical significance – each property showcases the serene beauty of British countryside living.

The show’s presenting team includes seasoned veterans like Jules Hudson, Alistair Appleton, Nicki Chapman, Jonnie Irwin among others who infuse their unique charm into every episode. Notably, series 21 saw wheelchair rugby player Steve Brown join this dynamic team bringing his fresh perspective into the mix.

One of the latest seasons aired in September 2020 had some particularly enticing episodes. For instance, an episode titled “Dorset” featured Nicki Chapman assisting an animal-loving house hunter from Oxfordshire aiming to find her dream village community near Dorset’s coast. Another memorable episode was “Bedfordshire,” where Margherita Taylor helped a sociable couple find their perfect country home in Bedfordshire that could also house their bespoke garden pub.

“Escape to the Country” enjoys an average vote score of five based on sixteen votes – a testament to its consistent popularity among viewers. Despite being a reality show, it has successfully maintained its genuine and informative approach to property hunting, steering clear of unnecessary drama.

For our American audiences who’d love to catch this delightful British show, you can rely on ExpressVPN or NordVPN for seamless streaming. These VPN services ensure excellent streaming quality and allow you to tap into international content with ease. So even if you’re nestled comfortably in your American home, “Escape to the Country” is just a click away!


What is the TV show “Escape to the Country” about?

“Escape to the Country” is a British reality TV show that follows individuals and families as they decide to leave their urban lifestyles for rural living. With the help of a team of presenters, participants explore beautiful countryside homes across Great Britain that could potentially become their new dream home.

How can I watch “Escape to the Country” Season 21 in The US on BBC One?

You can watch “Escape to the Country” Season 21 in The US on BBC One by using a VPN service provider like ExpressVPN or NordVPN. After installing your chosen VPN application, select a server located within the UK, visit BBC iPlayer website or app and sign up/log in. Then navigate over to Escape to the Country Season 21 and start streaming!

Why isn’t BBC One available in The US?

BBC One is primarily intended for viewers within the UK due to licensing and copyright agreements. However, you can bypass these geographical restrictions by using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) and enjoy your favorite BBC shows from anywhere in the world.

When was “Escape to the Country” Season 21 released?

The first episode of Escape to the Country Season 21 aired on September 7th, 2020.

Who are some of the main cast members of “Escape to the Country”?

The main cast members include Jules Hudson, Alistair Appleton, Nicki Chapman, Jonnie Irwin among others. Each presenter brings their unique charm and knowledge of rural living into each episode.

How many episodes are there in “Escape to The Country” Season 21?

Season 21 of “Escape to the Country” boasts a total of 53 episodes, each focusing on a different location within Great Britain.

Which VPN is best for streaming “Escape to the Country” Season 21 in The US on BBC One?

We recommend ExpressVPN or NordVPN for streaming Escape to the Country Season 21 in The US on BBC One. Both services offer high-speed connections which ensure smooth streaming with minimal buffering and robust security features that protect your privacy online.

What is the premise of “Escape to the Country”?

The show follows prospective buyers looking to swap their urban dwellings for tranquil country homes across Britain. Each episode introduces us to new house hunters guided by a charismatic team of presenters who are experts in unearthing charming rural properties.

Who joined the presenting team in series 21?

In series 21, wheelchair rugby player Steve Brown joined the dynamic team bringing his fresh perspective into the mix.

How popular is “Escape to the Country” among viewers?

“Escape to the Country” enjoys an average vote score of five based on sixteen votes – a testament to its consistent popularity among viewers. Despite being a reality show, it has successfully maintained its genuine and informative approach to property hunting, steering clear of unnecessary drama.