Escape to the Country, a beloved British reality TV show, has been captivating audiences since its first air date in 2002. This unique series follows various individuals and families as they seek to trade their city lives for a more tranquil existence in the countryside. With a team of engaging presenters including Jules Hudson, Alistair Appleton, Nicki Chapman, Jonnie Irwin and many others, viewers are taken on an exciting journey through some of Britain’s most beautiful rural locations.

In each episode, our intrepid house hunters are guided through a selection of properties that fit their budget and lifestyle aspirations. The show not only offers glimpses into diverse country homes but also provides insights into local history and culture. Originally aired on BBC One, this show is unfortunately not readily available for viewing in Canada due to regional restrictions. But don’t worry! We’ve got you covered with simple steps to watch Escape to the Country Season 21 from Canada.

Quick Steps on How to Watch Escape to the Country Season 21 in Canada on BBC One

  1. Choose a VPN service (we recommend ExpressVPN or NordVPN).
  2. Download and install your chosen VPN software onto your device.
  3. Select a server located within the UK.
  4. Navigate to BBC iPlayer website or app.
  5. Create an account or log in if you already have one.
  6. You’re all set! Enjoy watching Escape to the Country Season 21!

Why is BBC One not available in Canada?

BBC One is typically unavailable outside of the UK due to licensing agreements and copyright laws. These regulations restrict where content can be broadcasted or streamed, limiting access to specific geographical locations. This is known as geo-blocking. However, using a VPN can help bypass these restrictions by masking your actual location and making it appear as though you’re browsing from within the UK.

What is the Escape to the Country Season 21 Release Date?

The first episode of Escape to the Country Season 21 aired on September 7, 2020. With a total of 53 episodes, this season offers plenty of exciting house hunting adventures across various picturesque British locales.

Escape to the Country Cast

The show features a rotating cast of presenters who bring their unique charm and expertise to each episode. Some notable presenters include Jules Hudson, Alistair Appleton, Nicki Chapman, Jonnie Irwin and Sonali Shah among others. Each presenter accompanies prospective buyers on their journey towards finding their dream country home while also exploring local attractions and traditions.

How many episodes of Escape to the Country Season 21 are there?

Season 21 boasts an impressive roster of 53 episodes. Each episode takes viewers on a journey through different parts of Britain’s countryside – from Dorset’s coastal beauty in Episode 1 to Devon’s rural charm in Episode 43 and beyond. Without giving away too much, expect an array of stunning properties and inspiring stories throughout this season!

The Best VPN for streaming Escape to the Country Season 21 in Canada on BBC One

We recommend ExpressVPN or NordVPN for streaming Escape to the Country Season 21 in Canada on BBC One. Both services offer high-speed connections ensuring smooth streaming without buffering issues. They also provide robust security features including strong encryption protocols and no-logs policies which protect your privacy online.

The Show

“Escape to the Country” is a delightful exploration of rural living at its finest. The show follows different individuals, couples, or families each episode as they seek to leave behind their urban dwellings for a more tranquil life in the countryside. With generous budgets in hand, these house hunters are guided by an array of charismatic presenters through an assortment of stunning properties nestled amidst some of Britain’s most beautiful landscapes.

The show is produced by Boundless Productions and primarily conducted in English. Over its impressive run spanning nearly two decades, “Escape to the Country” has accumulated a staggering 1113 episodes over 24 seasons! The series saw wheelchair rugby player Steve Brown join its diverse team of presenters, adding another layer of charm and personality to this much-loved program.

The last episode aired on September 26, 2023. In this finale, Sonali Shah helps a young couple search for a new home in Devon with enough land to start a glamping business. From checking out lovely shepherd’s huts and luxury treehouses to visiting farms that grow delicious lettuce varieties – it was indeed an episode packed with excitement!

The ensemble cast includes Jules Hudson (who appeared in 257 episodes), Alistair Appleton (206 episodes), Nicki Chapman (166 episodes), Jonnie Irwin (130 episodes), Catherine Gee (56 episodes), Sonali Shah (56 episodes), Denise Nurse (52 episodes), Ginny Buckley (38 episodes), Nick Page (30 episodes) and Aled Jones (27 episodes).

Despite its somewhat niche focus, “Escape to the Country” has managed to captivate a dedicated audience with its gentle charm and picturesque settings. The show has received an average vote of 5, based on 16 votes. Critics and viewers alike have praised the series for its laid-back pace, stunning cinematography, and heartwarming narrative arcs.

For our Canadian audience keen on catching this delightful spectacle of country living, we recommend using ExpressVPN or NordVPN. These services provide excellent streaming quality for BBC One. Just connect to a server located in the UK, head over to BBC iPlayer, and you’re all set! You can then enjoy “Escape to the Country” while sipping your morning coffee or winding down after a long day – immersing yourself in the simple pleasures of rural life.


What is the TV show “Escape to the Country” about?

“Escape to the Country” is a British reality TV show that follows individuals and families as they seek to trade their city lives for a more tranquil existence in the countryside. The presenters guide house hunters through a selection of properties that fit their budget and lifestyle aspirations, while also providing insights into local history and culture.

Why can’t I watch “Escape to the Country” on BBC One in Canada?

BBC One is typically unavailable outside of the UK due to licensing agreements and copyright laws. These regulations restrict where content can be broadcasted or streamed, limiting access to specific geographical locations. This is known as geo-blocking.

How can I watch “Escape to the Country” in Canada?

You can use a VPN service like ExpressVPN or NordVPN. After downloading and installing your chosen VPN software onto your device, select a server located within the UK. Then navigate to BBC iPlayer website or app, create an account or log in if you already have one, and enjoy watching “Escape to the Country”.

When was Escape to the Country Season 21 released?

The first episode of Escape to the Country Season 21 aired on September 7, 2020.

Who are some notable presenters on “Escape to the Country”?

The show features a rotating cast of presenters including Jules Hudson, Alistair Appleton, Nicki Chapman, Jonnie Irwin and Sonali Shah among others.

How many episodes are there in Escape to the Country Season 21?

Season 21 boasts an impressive roster of 53 episodes.

Which VPN is best for streaming Escape to the Country Season 21 in Canada on BBC One?

We recommend ExpressVPN or NordVPN for streaming Escape to the Country Season 21 in Canada on BBC One. Both services offer high-speed connections ensuring smooth streaming without buffering issues.

How long has “Escape to the Country” been running?

“Escape to the Country” has been captivating audiences since its first air date in 2002, and it has accumulated a staggering 1113 episodes over 24 seasons.

What was the last episode of “Escape to the Country” about?

In the last episode that aired on September 26, 2023, Sonali Shah helps a young couple search for a new home in Devon with enough land to start a glamping business.

Who are some of the main cast members of “Escape to the Country”?

The ensemble cast includes Jules Hudson, Alistair Appleton, Nicki Chapman, Jonnie Irwin, Catherine Gee, Sonali Shah, Denise Nurse, Ginny Buckley, Nick Page and Aled Jones among others.

What do critics and viewers say about “Escape to the Country”?

Critics and viewers alike have praised “Escape to the Country” for its laid-back pace, stunning cinematography, and heartwarming narrative arcs. The show has received an average vote of 5 based on 16 votes.