Escape to the Country, a beloved British reality TV show, has been captivating audiences since its first air date on October 14, 2002. The show’s main premise revolves around various presenters like Jules Hudson and Alistair Appleton helping individuals and families escape from their urban lifestyles and find a perfect rural home in the UK. With major plot points involving house hunting, exploring local culture, and showcasing beautiful countryside landscapes, this show is a breath of fresh air for viewers who love reality television with a heartwarming twist.

The series’ charm lies in its ability to transport viewers into idyllic country settings while also providing practical information about property buying. It’s no wonder that fans eagerly anticipate each new season! However, if you’re based in Canada and want to watch Escape to the Country Season 20 on BBC One, you might run into some roadblocks due to regional restrictions. But don’t worry! We’ve got you covered with an easy-to-follow guide.

Quick Steps on How to Watch Escape to the Country Season 20 in Canada on BBC One

  1. Download and install a VPN (Virtual Private Network) service such as ExpressVPN or NordVPN.
  2. Select a server located in the United Kingdom.
  3. Connect your device through this server.
  4. Navigate to BBC iPlayer website or app.
  5. Create an account or log in if you already have one.
  6. Search for “Escape to the Country” Season 20 and start streaming!

Why is BBC One not available in Canada?

BBC One isn’t readily available outside of the UK due to licensing agreements and copyright laws. These restrictions ensure that content is only broadcasted in regions where the network has secured rights. This can be frustrating for international fans of shows like Escape to the Country, but there’s a workaround – using a VPN.

A VPN allows you to connect your device to a server in another country, making it appear as if you’re browsing from that location. This method bypasses geographical restrictions and enables you to access content not typically available in your region.

What is the Escape to the Country Season 20 Release Date?

The much-anticipated Season 20 of Escape to the Country premiered on January 28, 2020. With new episodes released regularly throughout the year, viewers were treated with an array of stunning properties and heartwarming stories.

Escape to the Country Cast

  • Jules Hudson: A regular presenter since Series 10, Jules brings his love for history and countryside living into every episode he hosts.
  • Alistair Appleton: Known for his warm personality, Alistair has been helping families find their dream homes since Series 7.
  • Nicki Chapman: Nicki’s keen eye for property potential makes her a favorite among viewers looking for home-buying tips.
  • Jonnie Irwin: Jonnie’s expertise in rural property hunting adds depth and insight into each house hunt he leads.

How many episodes of Escape to the Country Season 20 are there?

The twentieth season comprises twenty-five exciting episodes, each featuring unique locations across Britain such as Devon, Hampshire & New Forest, Cornwall, Oxfordshire and more. Each episode offers viewers an intimate look at different UK regions’ lifestyle and culture while exploring potential dream homes for the featured house hunters.

The Best VPN for streaming Escape to the Country Season 20 in Canada on BBC One

We recommend ExpressVPN and NordVPN for streaming Escape to the Country Season 20 in Canada. Both services offer excellent streaming quality, robust security features, and a wide range of server locations. This ensures a smooth and secure viewing experience.

ExpressVPN is known for its fast connection speeds, making it perfect for streaming high-quality video content without buffering. On the other hand, NordVPN offers advanced security features like double VPN and CyberSec technology that blocks suspicious websites and ads.

The Show

The premise of “Escape to the Country” is simple yet captivating. The show follows potential buyers who dream of swapping their urban existence for a tranquil life in the country. Each episode takes viewers on an enchanting journey through some of Britain’s most beautiful landscapes, unveiling stunning properties along the way.

The show is spearheaded by a lineup of charismatic presenters like Jules Hudson, Alistair Appleton, Nicki Chapman, and Jonnie Irwin. These seasoned hosts lend their expertise to guide prospective buyers on their quest for a perfect rural retreat. They bring with them a wealth of knowledge about property hunting and offer insights into local history and culture – all while delivering engaging banter in fluent English.

“Escape to the Country” has enjoyed an impressive run with over 24 seasons under its belt and more than 1100 episodes aired. It concluded its last airing date on September 26th, 2023 – that’s over two decades’ worth of breathtaking homes nestled amidst rolling hills, lush meadows, and quaint village settings!

In one particularly memorable episode from Series 20 (aired on January 28th, 2020), presenter Jules Hudson meets an East London calligrapher eager to start a new chapter in Devon’s West Country. Jules helps her navigate her property hunt while also immersing himself in local nautical traditions at a sea shanty festival – this show truly knows how to blend home-searches with cultural exploration!

Produced by Boundless, “Escape to the Country” has struck a chord with audiences and critics alike. The show’s average vote of 5 from 16 votes speaks to its appeal among viewers who find themselves drawn to its comforting blend of property hunting, cultural immersion, and good-humored camaraderie.

For our Canadian audience eager to dive into this rural reverie, we recommend using ExpressVPN or NordVPN for seamless streaming quality. These VPN services ensure you get the best viewing experience by providing stable connections that perfectly accommodate your binge-watching needs. So whether you’re planning your own escape to the country or simply looking for a cozy show that brings Britain’s charming countryside right into your living room, “Escape to the Country” is just a click away!

So there you have it – “Escape to the Country,” an enchanting exploration of British countryside living wrapped up in a reality TV package. It’s more than just a show about property hunting; it’s an invitation to dream, explore and perhaps even make that leap into a new lifestyle surrounded by nature’s beauty. Happy watching!


What is the premise of “Escape to the Country”?

“Escape to the Country” is a British reality TV show that helps individuals and families find their dream rural homes in the UK. The show explores local culture, showcases beautiful countryside landscapes, and provides practical information about property buying.

Why can’t I watch “Escape to the Country” Season 20 on BBC One in Canada?

BBC One isn’t readily available outside of the UK due to licensing agreements and copyright laws. These restrictions ensure that content is only broadcasted in regions where the network has secured rights.

How can I watch “Escape to the Country” Season 20 in Canada?

You can use a VPN (Virtual Private Network) service such as ExpressVPN or NordVPN. By connecting your device through a server located in the United Kingdom, you can access BBC iPlayer website or app and stream “Escape to the Country” Season 20.

Who are some of the presenters on “Escape to the Country”?

The show features several presenters including Jules Hudson, Alistair Appleton, Nicki Chapman, and Jonnie Irwin. Each presenter brings their unique expertise and personality into each episode they host.

When did Season 20 of “Escape to the Country” premiere?

The much-anticipated Season 20 of Escape to the Country premiered on January 28, 2020.

How many episodes are there in Season 20 of “Escape to the Country”?

The twentieth season comprises twenty-five exciting episodes, each featuring unique locations across Britain such as Devon, Hampshire & New Forest, Cornwall, Oxfordshire and more.

Which VPN services do you recommend for streaming “Escape to the Country” Season 20 in Canada?

We recommend ExpressVPN and NordVPN for streaming Escape to the Country Season 20 in Canada. Both services offer excellent streaming quality, robust security features, and a wide range of server locations.

What makes “Escape to the Country” unique?

“Escape to the Country” is more than just a show about property hunting; it’s an invitation to dream, explore and perhaps even make that leap into a new lifestyle surrounded by nature’s beauty. It blends home-searches with cultural exploration and good-humored camaraderie.