Are you ready for a delightful journey through the picturesque landscapes of Britain? “Escape to the Country,” a beloved reality show from BBC One, is here with its 18th season! This popular series follows various families as they leave behind their urban lives and venture into the idyllic British countryside in search of their dream homes. With Jonnie Irwin, Ginny Buckley, and other charismatic presenters leading these property searches, viewers are treated not only to beautiful homes but also an exploration of local culture, history, and natural beauty.

“Escape to the Country” has consistently captivated audiences since its first air date on October 14th, 2002. Now in its 24th season, it continues to enchant viewers with its unique blend of real estate fascination and rural charm. Unfortunately for fans based in the United States, BBC One isn’t readily available due to geographical restrictions. But don’t worry – we’ve got your back! Here’s how you can watch Season 18 of “Escape to the Country” in the US on BBC One.

Quick Steps on How to Watch Escape to the Country Season 18 in The US on BBC One

  1. Choose a VPN service that offers UK servers (We recommend ExpressVPN or NordVPN).
  2. Download and install your chosen VPN software onto your device.
  3. Connect your VPN service to a UK server.
  4. Navigate over to BBC iPlayer website or app.
  5. Create an account if you haven’t already done so (you will need a valid UK postcode).
  6. Select “Escape To The Country” from the list of shows available.
  7. Sit back and enjoy watching Season 18!

Why is BBC One not available in The US?

BBC One, like many other streaming services, uses geo-blocking to restrict its content to viewers within the United Kingdom. This is due to licensing agreements and copyright laws that vary from country to country. While this can be frustrating for international fans of shows like “Escape to the Country,” there’s a simple workaround: using a VPN (Virtual Private Network). A VPN allows you to connect your device to a server in another country, making it appear as though you’re browsing from that location.

What is the Escape to the Country Season 18 Release Date?

The 18th season of “Escape To The Country” first aired on October 3rd, 2017. With each episode offering a unique journey through different parts of rural Britain, this season promises an exciting escape for viewers seeking tranquility and charm.

Escape To The Country Cast

The show features several presenters who guide prospective buyers through their property search. Jonnie Irwin and Ginny Buckley are among the main hosts in Season 18. Jonnie brings his real estate expertise and passion for rural life while Ginny offers her extensive knowledge about property and love for countryside living.

How many episodes of Escape To The Country Season 18 are there?

Season 18 comprises an impressive roster of 68 episodes! Each episode takes viewers on a unique journey through various regions such as Wye Valley, Northumberland, Wiltshire, North Yorkshire, Norfolk, Devon and more. Without giving away any significant plot points, expect stunning properties nestled amidst breathtaking landscapes coupled with engaging local stories.

The Best VPN for streaming Escape To The Country Season 18 in The US on BBC One

We recommend ExpressVPN and NordVPN for streaming “Escape to the Country” Season 18 on BBC One. Both offer high-speed connections, ensuring a smooth and buffer-free viewing experience. They also provide robust security features, including strong encryption and no-logs policies, protecting your privacy while you enjoy your favorite shows.

ExpressVPN stands out with its vast network of servers in the UK, making it easy to bypass geo-restrictions. NordVPN is also a great choice with its user-friendly interface and reliable connections.

So gear up for an enchanting journey through Britain’s countryside! With these VPN services, you’ll be ready to dive into Season 18 of “Escape to the Country” on BBC One from anywhere in the US!

The Show

The premise of “Escape to the Country” is simple yet enchanting. Each episode follows prospective buyers as they search for their dream home in the idyllic British countryside. With a budget in hand and a list of preferences at the ready, these hopeful homeowners are guided by friendly presenters through an array of stunning properties that often include quaint cottages, historic manor houses, converted barns and more.

The series not only showcases beautiful homes but also dives deep into local culture and traditions. From exploring regional cuisine to uncovering hidden historical gems or participating in unique rural pastimes – there’s always something new to learn about Britain’s rich heritage.

Produced by Boundless Productions known for their masterful storytelling abilities, each episode is delivered exclusively in English – perfect for those looking to immerse themselves in authentic British culture. Amongst the talented cast includes renowned presenters like Jonnie Irwin, Ginny Buckley, Margherita Taylor among others who bring warmth and charm into every property tour.

In its latest season (Season 18), we journey across picturesque locations such as Wye Valley where entrepreneurial couples seek a rural business haven; Northumberland where adventurous empty nesters desire a yurt campsite; Wiltshire where city-dwellers yearn for countryside tranquillity; or even North Yorkshire where cat lovers aspire to run a cattery. The series truly encapsulates the allure of the countryside and the endless possibilities it offers.

Despite its niche focus, “Escape to the Country” has garnered an average vote of 5 from 16 votes, proving that it holds a special place in viewers’ hearts. The show’s blend of property exploration and cultural immersion strikes a perfect balance, making it enjoyable for both real estate enthusiasts and fans of travel shows alike.

If you’re residing in the US and wish to indulge in this charming British reality TV spectacle, don’t fret! With ExpressVPN or NordVPN services, you can easily access BBC One for uninterrupted streaming quality. By masking your IP address, these VPNs allow you to bypass geographical restrictions and stream content from around the globe. So whether you’re on a quest for home inspiration or simply longing for an escape into rural Britain – “Escape to the Country” is just a click away!


What is “Escape to the Country”?

“Escape to the Country” is a popular reality show from BBC One that follows various families as they leave behind their urban lives and venture into the idyllic British countryside in search of their dream homes. The show also explores local culture, history, and natural beauty.

Why can’t I watch “Escape to the Country” on BBC One in the US?

BBC One uses geo-blocking to restrict its content to viewers within the United Kingdom due to licensing agreements and copyright laws. However, you can bypass this restriction by using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) service.

How can I watch “Escape to the Country” Season 18 in the US?

You can watch it by using a VPN service that offers UK servers such as ExpressVPN or NordVPN. After installing your chosen VPN software, connect it to a UK server, navigate over to BBC iPlayer website or app, create an account if you haven’t already done so (you will need a valid UK postcode), select “Escape To The Country” from the list of shows available and enjoy watching Season 18!

When was Escape to the Country Season 18 released?

The 18th season of “Escape To The Country” first aired on October 3rd, 2017.

Who are the presenters of Escape To The Country Season 18?

The main hosts for Season 18 are Jonnie Irwin and Ginny Buckley. They guide prospective buyers through their property search with their extensive knowledge about property and love for countryside living.

How many episodes are there in Escape To The Country Season 18?

Season 18 comprises an impressive roster of 68 episodes, each taking viewers on a unique journey through various regions of rural Britain.

Which VPN service is recommended for streaming Escape To The Country Season 18 in the US?

We recommend ExpressVPN and NordVPN for streaming “Escape to the Country” Season 18 on BBC One. Both offer high-speed connections, robust security features, and have servers in the UK which make it easy to bypass geo-restrictions.

What is the premise of “Escape to the Country”?

The show follows prospective buyers as they search for their dream home in the idyllic British countryside. With a budget in hand and a list of preferences at the ready, these hopeful homeowners are guided by friendly presenters through an array of stunning properties that often include quaint cottages, historic manor houses, converted barns and more.

Who produces “Escape to the Country”?

“Escape to the Country” is produced by Boundless Productions known for their masterful storytelling abilities. Each episode is delivered exclusively in English – perfect for those looking to immerse themselves in authentic British culture.

How has “Escape to the Country” been received by viewers?

“Escape to the Country” has garnered an average vote of 5 from 16 votes, proving that it holds a special place in viewers’ hearts. The show’s blend of property exploration and cultural immersion strikes a perfect balance, making it enjoyable for both real estate enthusiasts and fans of travel shows alike.